Data entry form Version 9 (Net)

Action group: Dialogs


The action displays to the user a form with fields to be filled in. After filling in the fields, the user clicks the "OK" button and the action saves the entered data.

Action icon

Action parameters

Input parameters

  1. "Window fields" field - Dictionary with field names (keys) and their values for the modal window.  For example: Key - Full name, data type - string.
  2. "Title" field - Name of the modal window. For example: Personal Data.

Output parameters

  1. The "Modal window result" checkbox - True if the "OK" button was clicked, otherwise False.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
Window fieldsDictionary key, value. Where is the key of this string, which specifies the name of the field in the output form. Value - the value that will be displayed in the field for changing the form. The field is of the same type as the value. The number of fields displayed will be equal to the number of selected values. After saving, the values ​​in the dictionary are updated.Robin.Dictionary
TitleThe title of the modal windowRobin.String
Modal window resultTrue if the button «OK» was pressed, otherwise FalseRobin.Booleantrue

Special conditions of use

A dictionary is used to enter data, where the key acts as a description for the input window. The data entered in the input window is stored in the value of the dictionary-value pair.

Example of use


It is necessary to get the data of full name in the process of executing the robot scheme. We use a variable of the dictionary type for this purpose:


Use the "Data entry form" and "Get value" action. 


  1. Assemble a robot scheme consisting of the following activities:  

    Data entry form;

    Get value.

  2. Configure parameters for the "Data entry form" action. In the "Window fields" field, specify the "Dictionary" variable. A dictionary is used for data input, where the key acts as a description for the input window. The data entered in the input window is stored in the value of the dictionary-value pair. In the "Title" field specify the value - Data entry form.


  3. Set the parameters for the "Get values" action: In the "Dictionary" field, specify the appropriate variable. In the "Key" field, specify the value "Full name".  As a result of the action, specify the variable "Object" where the value associated with the specified key will be written. 

  4. Click on the "Start" button in the top panel. 

  5. The "Data entry form" window is displayed. Enter the value Petrov Ivan Ivanovich in this window. Click the OK button. 


The program robot completed successfully. Full name data has been received. 


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