Get information about saved email Version 1 (Net)

Action group: Outlook 


The action returns the information (Sender, Addressees, Recipients of the copy, Time of the receipt, Subject, Body) about the downloaded email. 

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
LetterThe path to the downloaded email file. The file must have the .msg extension.Robin.FilePath
SenderThe sender of the letter.Robin.String

AddresseesAddressees of the letter.Robin.Collection

Recipients of the copyRecipients of a copy of the letter.Robin.Collection

Time of receiptThe time of receipt of the letter.Robin.DateTime

SubjectThe subject of the letter.Robin.String

BodyThe text that is contained in the body of the letter.Robin.String

Special conditions of use

  • Only one email whose path has been specified can be retrieved;
  • The action can only work with files of extension .msg;
  • The result of the action will be 6 parameters: Sender, Addressees, Recipients of the copy, Time of the receipt, Subject, Body;
  • If there are no recipients of the copy, the "Recipients of the copy" parameter will be an empty collection;
  • If there are no subject or body of the letter, the "Subject" or "Body" parameters will be an empty string;
  • The action does not return attachments of the letter. To do that use the "Save attachments" action.

Example of use


Get information about saved email. 


You can download an email using the "Save email" action or manually. 


Precondition: an outlook email with the .msg extension has been downloaded to the device.

  1. Set the "Get information about saved email" action to workflow. 
  2. Set the parameters correctly. In the "Letter" parameter set the path to the saved email. 
  3. Run the robot. 


The action returned 6 parameters with the information letter. 

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