Get recognition status Version 1 (Net)

Action group: Robin OCR Subgroup Soica


The action retrieves from the SOICA service the recognition status of sent documents, as well as the IDs of packages ready for export.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
URLLink for authentication on the SOICA service.Robin.String
LoginLogin ID.Robin.String
PasswordPassword to log in.Robin.Password
Starting dateThe date from which the documents were sent for recognition. If the field is not filled in, the starting date will be the date of sending the very first document to the server.Robin.DateTime
Deadline dateThe date by which the documents were sent for recognition. If the field is not filled in, the deadline date will be the current date.Robin.DateTime
Timeout, msThe time in milliseconds that the action will wait for a response from the server.Robin.Numeric
ID of finished documentsA collection of document identification numbers that are ready for export.Robin.Collection

Status tableA table containing data on documents sent for recognition within a specified time range.Robin.DataTable

Special conditions of use

It is necessary to get authentication data in advance in the SOICA service.

The action will give:

  • error 403 "Invalid connection login or password" if an invalid connection login or password is specified;

  • error 404 "Invalid address for authentication on the server" if the path or link is specified incorrectly.

General principles of SOICA operation can be viewed here: General principles of SOICA operation


  • import - wait for status change to allow further processing;
  • recognize - wait for status change;
  • validation - manually change the status;
  • export - you can launch the "Get the result of recognition" action;
  • deleted - wait for status change;
  • inaccessible - wait for status change;
  • quality control - the file may hang here, if the user has sent the file according to the wrong script, it is necessary to manually check it.

Example of use


Send a document for recognition and then get its recognition status and save these statuses in a CSV table.


Use the actions "Send for recognition", "Get recognition status", "Save table to CSV".


  1. Sequentially set the actions "Send to recognition", "Get recognition status" and "Table to CSV" to the workspace.

  2. Set the action parameters with the correct data:

    1. the parameters of the "Send for recognition" action; 

    2. parameters of the "Get recognition status" action. 

    3. parameters of the "Table to CSV" action. 

3. Launch the robot using the "Start" button in the top panel.


The robot completed successfully.

The robot will return a CSV file with the recognition statuses.

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