1. Error handling with Try-Catch.

    If errors occur among the actions placed in the "Try" block, a message will be displayed in the log. The robot's work will not stop, but either the actions from the "Catch" or "Finally" blocks will be performed, or the robot will continue to perform the script outside the "Try-Catch" action.

  2. Error handling with "Throw exception" action.

    • Select the "Throw exception" action from the "Base actions" action group and transfer it to the robot scheme;
    • In the action parameters in the "Messages" string, specify the error text that will be output to the log. If you leave this field empty, the log will display "Unknown error";
    • After setting up the action, launch the robot by pressing the launch button;
    • When the robot reaches the "Throw exception" action, an error entry will appear in the log in the studio and the robot will terminate;
  3. Error handling by action Information message.

    The robot script can be configured in such a way that in case of an error, an information message can be displayed via the "Show message" action from the "Dialogs" action group.

    Example: Set this action in "Catch", then an information message will appear on the screen before the robot proceeds to process the error.

  4. Sending a message to the user's mail in case of an error.
    The robot script can be organised in such a way that if an error occurs, a letter will be sent to the user's electronic mail service. Sending the letter is performed by actions from the "Email" action group.

    • Select the "Open email" action:
    • Fill in the action parameters, example:
    • Select the "Send message" action:
    • Fill in the action parameters, specify the required information in the "Message body" field. Filling example:

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