The "Hosts" page is designed for:

Host table

Host table description

The table in this section contains a list of host accounts (server or personal computer) whose data has been added to the platform database. The data about the host is automatically transferred by the ROBIN Agent immediately after the installation of the client part of the platform on this machine is completed. Thus, these are hosts that have a robot execution system - you can run robots on them or get information about robots that have already been run.

The table displays only those accounts to which you have configured access (more details in Access control. Description of functionality).

Since a host can have multiple accounts on which robot execution is available, there can be multiple rows in the table with the same host but with different accounts and information about them. 

Column name / button name


"Host" column

The name of the host and its IP address

There is one of 2 icons next to it:

  • - if the host is on Windows
  • - if the host is on Linux
"Account" column

The name of the host account:

This is a link (button) that opens the card of the selected account. The card is opened in read mode (For more information about the account card, see the Account card subsection).

Next to the name of the account are displayed:

  • An account activity indicator that shows whether the application(s) that will be able to run the robot on this account are running. Depending on the type of installation of the client part of the platform, either only ROBIN Agent or both ROBIN Agent and ROBIN Robot Player must be active to be able to run robots
    • If the indicator is green and signed as "Online", then the account is active
    • If the indicator is gray and signed as "Offline," then the account is inactive
  • Indicator of the GUI activity on this account, if it displays , then the GUI is active, if - not active

The card will not open if:

  • The account is not found in the database. A warning message appears:
    Error while working with host account. Account not found
  • The account is not found or is not available to the user in the current tenant. A warning message appears:

    Work with the host account is prohibited. Insufficient permissions to work with the "Account name" account

"Running robots" column

Number of robot instances running on this account

"Tags" column

Words or phrases that further describe the account. To be filled in by the user via the account card

If there are too many tags, only some of them are displayed. All other tags are visible only by clicking on the button 


The records in the table are updated as soon as you click it

Use the "Columns" drop-down list to select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "Account" column always displayed.

Account card

  • The card is always opened in the "Key information" tab in the reading mode. In this mode all fields are not editable.
  • When any error occurs (on the back or front end) that is not listed separately in the specification (when navigating to a section, opening windows, clicking buttons), a notification is displayed:

    Unknown error. Contact your administrator

Clicking on the account name in the "Account" column will open the card of the selected account. Tabs are available in the card:

Tab name / button name



Clicking this button closes the account card of the host and returns to the "Hosts" section. If changes have been made on the "Key information" or "Credentials" tabs and not saved, clicking on the "Back" button will not save the changes

Key information

Displays basic information about the host account, some of which can be manually edited. See "Key information" for details

CredentialsAdd or change the host account login and/or password that the system uses to activate an RDP session (if necessary). See the  "Credentials" for details
Running robotsDisplays a list of robots that are currently running on this host account. See the "Running robots" for details
Launch Conditions (Schedules)Displays a list of robot starting schedules that are configured specifically for this host account. See the "Starting Conditions (Schedules)" for details
Launch Conditions (Resource queues)Displays a list of robot starting conditions based on the resource queues that are configured specifically for this host account. See the "Launch Conditions (Resource queues)" for details

"Key information" tab

The tab displays key information about the host account.

Contents of the "Key information" tab

Tab item name


Host name

Name of the host to which the account in question belongs

Account activity/inactivity indicator

Indicates whether the application(s) that will be able to run the robot on this account are running. Depending on the type of installation of the client part of the platform, either only ROBIN Agent or both ROBIN Agent and ROBIN Robot Player must be active to be able to run robots.
If the indicator is green and signed "Online", the account is active. If the indicator is gray  and signed "Offline", the account is inactive

Graphical session activity indicator

Indicates whether the GUI is currently active on this account. If displayed , then the GUI is active, if - not active

Account name

The name of this account

"Account registration in the system" field

Date and time of account registration in the Orchestrator database. Displayed based on the user's time zone

"Running robots" field

The number of Ui and non-Ui robot instances currently running on this account. If the Agent is inactive, the most recent values are listed

"Account uptime" field


The amount of time the account has been active in the last 24 hours (not 24 hours), i.e. this is the time when robots were working on the account. Displayed based on the user's time zone

Account uptime + Account downtime = 24 hours

При каждом переходе на вкладку "Основная информация" или обновлении страницы с этой вкладкой, система пересчитывает, сколько времени УЗ была занята выполняющимися роботов за последние 24 часа

"Account downtime" field



The amount of time the account has been idle for the last 24 hours (not 24 hours), i.e. this is the time when no robots were working on the account. Displayed based on the user's time zone

Account uptime + Account downtime = 24 hours

Each time you click the "Key information" tab or refresh the page with this tab, the system recalculates how long the account has been robot-free in the last 24 hours

Total CPU load

Total percentage of CPU load

The information is automatically sent by the ROBIN Agent installed on the host. If for some reason no data is sent to the platform server, the phrase "No data" is displayed


Total hard disk capacity and the amount of free space on the hard disk

The information is automatically sent by the ROBIN Agent installed on the host. If for some reason no data is sent to the platform server, the phrase "No data" is displayed


Total and free RAM capacity

The information is automatically sent by the ROBIN Agent installed on the host. If for some reason no data is sent to the platform server, the phrase "No data" is displayed

Number of Processor Cores

Number of processor cores

The information is automatically sent by the ROBIN Agent installed on the host. If for some reason no data is sent to the platform server, the phrase "No data" is displayed

"Edit" button

On click:

  • The "Edit" button disappears
  • The "Description", "Software" and "Tags" fields become editable
  • The "Cancel" and "Save" buttons appear
"Description" field

A comment from the user about this host account

The maximum allowed number of input characters is 500.

To change the value, click on the "Edit" button

"Software" field

List of software available on this host account. To be filled in manually by the user. The actuality and correctness of the specified values are not automatically checked

The maximum allowed number of input characters is 500.

To change the value, click on the "Edit" button

"Tags" field

Words or phrases that further describe this host account. To be filled in manually by the user

Type of field in read mode:

View of the field in edit mode:

  • Each tag has a button in the form of a cross to delete it
  • A field for entering a new tag is added as soon as the button clicked. The maximum number of characters allowed when entering a tag is 30

To change the value you should click on the "Edit" button

"Save" button

By clicking:

  • The changes made are saved
  • The "Edit" button returns
  • The "Description", "Software" and "Tags" fields become uneditable
  • The "Cancel" and "Save" buttons disappear

"Cancel" button

By clicking:

  • The changes made are not saved
  • The "Edit" button returns
  • The "Description", "Software" and "Tags" fields become uneditable
  • The "Cancel" and "Save" buttons disappear

"Credentials" tab 

The tab allows you to add or change the host account login and password that the system uses to activate the RDP session (if necessary).

Credentials that were added on this tab are stored only in the platform database. That is, adding or changing them on this tab has no effect on the real login and password, which are controlled through the account management system of the host itself. 

If no credentials were previously specified for this account, the tab will look as follows:

To add the login and password from the host account to the platform database, it is necessary:

  1. Click on the "Specify credentials" button.
  2. Fill in the "Login" and "Password" fields that appear.
  3. Click on the "Save" button to send the specified data to the platform database. Or click the "Cancel" button if you decide not to add credentials.

If you have previously specified credentials for this account, the tab will look like this:

To change the login and/or password for a given host account in the platform database, you must:

  1. Click on the "Edit credentials" button.
  2. Specify actual values in the "Login" and "Password" fields.
  3. Click the "Save" button to confirm the change of credentials. Or click the "Cancel" button if you decide not to change them.

"Running robots" tab

The tab is available:

  • control of robots startup - shutdown, pause setting, pause deactivation
  • switch to the "Running robots" section

The description of the running robots tab can be found here: Running robots section

"Start Conditions (Schedules)" tab

The tab is available:

  • deleting a scheduled robot start condition
  • enabling/disabling a start condition
  • switch to the card of the start condition
  • creating new start conditions
  • go to the Orchestrator section - Launch conditions

Description of the table of start conditions

The table on the tab contains a list of scheduled start conditions that are configured specifically for this host account. 

Column name / button name


"Launch condition" field

Start condition name

Is a link (button) that opens the card of the selected account trigger condition. The card opens in read mode. For more information about the trigger condition card, see "Start conditions" section

"Robot" column


  • robot name
  • robot version
  • indicator showing whether the host account needs a GUI for the robot to work. If is displayed, the GUI is required, if is displayed - the GUI is not required

If no robot is found that was specified in the start condition, the value in this column will become empty and the start condition will be turned off.

"Next launch" column

Displays the next date and time that Orchestrator will start the robot according to this start condition. This value is calculated by the system based on the start time parameters from the start condition card

If the next start date cannot be calculated, the column will be empty and the start condition will be disabled

"Disable all" button

By clicking this button you can disable all trigger conditions from the list at once

This button is displayed if there is at least one start condition enabled in the list. If all start conditions are disabled, the "Enable all" button is displayed instead of this button

"Enable all" button

By clicking on this button you can enable all start conditions from the list at once

This button is displayed if all start conditions in the list are disabled. If there is at least one start condition enabled, the "Disable all" button is displayed instead of this button

"Delete" button

When clicked, a window appears confirming the deletion of the selected start condition:

"Enable" button

You can activate the selected start condition by clicking on it

If at least one mandatory parameter from the start condition (robot and/or calendar) is not found or the date of the nearest start could not be calculated, the start condition will be turned off. If you try to turn it on, Orchestrator will generate an error

"Disable" button

By clicking, you can turn off the selected start condition

Using the "Columns" dropdown list, you can select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "Start Conditions" column always displayed.

Clicking on the "Create start condition" button opens a form to create a new start condition. In this form, the fields "Host" and "Account" will immediately contain the host and account from whose card you opened the form, but you can change them if necessary. Read more in Launch conditions based on schedule

Clicking the button closes the host account card and navigates to the Orchestrator section "Start conditions" to the "Schedules" tab.

"Launch Conditions (Resource queues)" tab

The tab is available:

  • deletion of the robot start condition based on resource queues
  • enabling/disabling the start condition
  • switch to the card of the start condition
  • creating new start conditions
  • switch to the Orchestrator section - Launch conditions

Description of the table of start conditions

The table contains a list of start conditions based on resource queues whose parameters specify the host group to which the account in question belongs.

Column name / button name


"Launch condition" column

Start condition name

Is a link (button) that opens the card of the selected account start condition. The card opens in read mode

"Queue" column

The name of the resource queue on the basis of which the start condition is configured

Is a link that opens the card of the selected queue. See "Resource queues" for more information about the resource queue card

If the resource queue that was specified in the condition is not found, the value in this column becomes empty and the start condition becomes disabled

"Robot" column


  • robot name
  • robot version
  • an indicator that shows whether the host account needs a GUI for the robot to work. If  is displayed , it means that the GUI is required, if - it is not required

If no robot is found that was specified in the start condition, the value in this column will become empty and the start condition will be turned off

"Disable all" button

By clicking this button you can disable all start conditions from the list at once

This button is displayed if there is at least one start condition enabled in the list. If all start conditions are disabled, the "Enable all" button is displayed instead of this button

"Enable all" button

By clicking on this button you can enable all start conditions from the list at once

This button is displayed if all start conditions in the list are disabled. If there is at least one start condition enabled, the "Disable all" button is displayed instead of this button

"Delete" button

When clicked, a window appears confirming the deletion of the selected start condition:

"Enable" button

The selected start condition can be switched on by clicking on it

If at least one mandatory parameter from the start condition is not found, the start condition will be disabled. If you try to enable it, Orchestrator will generate an error

"Disable" button

By clicking, you can turn off the selected start condition

Using the "Columns" dropdown list, you can select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "Launch condition" column always displayed.

Clicking on the "Create start condition" button opens a form to create a new start condition. If the account in question is added to a machine group, then in the "Create condition" form, in the "Hosts to start" field, this group will be specified (you can change it if necessary). For more details, see the section Launch conditions based on resource queue.  

Clicking the button closes the host account card and moves to the Orchestrator section - " Launch conditions", to the "Resource queues" tab.

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