The ROBIN platform interacts with web pages through drivers, which are released for each browser. The ROBIN distribution includes the latest versions of the required drivers at the time of each platform update. However, when you update your browser, you may need newer versions of the drivers. In that case, if the robot fails to start with a warning message like «<action name> failed to start. A driver for «Chrome»/<chrome version> is required.»

In case of such an error, update the driver. You can update the driver automatically using the  button, or manually.

You can also install the drivers for the respective browser in the ROBIN Studio Settings (Browser tab) starting from version 2.14.1. After installing the driver through the studio settings, the «env.cfg» file (configuration file for the robot and web recorder) will be created automatically.

For more information about filling in the fields of this form, see the ROBIN Studio. Settings

Alternatively, you can download the drivers manually from the following sources:

To use an updated driver, follow these steps:

  1. Download the version of the driver for the corresponding browser.
  2. Place the downloaded driver in the file system, for example, in the root of drive C.
  3. Create a folder named «.robin» in the profile of the current user. In Windows, this is usually: «C:/Users/{current_user_name}».
    When creating the folder through the Windows interface, you may encounter an error: The file name should be entered".
    In case of an error, use «.robin.» (with a dot at the end) as the folder name instead of «.robin».
    The folder will be created with the name «.robin».
  4. In the folder, create the following file:
    env.cfg - configuration file for the robot and web-recorder (if you are using a platform version before 2.14.1, create two files: env.cfg and webSpyEnv.cfg).
    You can create these files using Notepad. 
  5. Full path to the configuration files: C:\Users\<User>\.robin
  6. When saving the file, specify the .cfg extension by selecting "All types (.)" in the "file type" saving window.
  7. Fill in the files in the following way:
    webdriver.[browser_name].[browser_version].path=[absolute_driver_path], where [browser_name] is the type of browser from the list: * chrome * firefox * ie * yandex
    [browser_version] is the version of the downloaded browser driver, written as v**XX**, where XX is the numerical version number of the driver.
    [absolute_driver_path] is the path to the driver file, using a forward slash /

    When operating on a Linux system, you must specify the driver version, not the browser version. For example:


    Attention! The config works with the [webdrivers] header

    To apply the slash work, you must replace it with a backslash

    Examples of filling:


    Note! For platform versions earlier than 2.14.1, you need to create 2 files:

  8. Save the config files in the «.robin» folder. Now, in case the required driver is not available in the distribution, the robots and studio will use the drivers specified in the configuration files.

In ROBIN Platform version 2.14.1 and later, you can specify startArgs in env.cfg. In the %BrowserName%Args parameter, you can specify a set of arguments for launching the driver in the corresponding configuration components. For example:

In the profile section, in the parameter %BrowserName%Profile you can specify the path to the profile under which the browser will run:

You can also specify launch arguments and the profile in ROBIN Studio in the settings window.

You can verify the correctness of the launch with arguments in chrome://version/

In ROBIN Platform versions before 2.14.1, Web-recorder and Robot (action execution) use different configs. Web-recorder reads parameters from the webSpyEnv.cfg file, and actions are read from the env.cfg file. In ROBIN Platform version 2.13.1, start arguments and profile for Chrome are specified in different sections and parameters. Arguments are specified in the startChromeArgs section in env.cfg and webSpyEnv.cfg. The args parameter can be used to specify a set of arguments for launching the driver in the corresponding configuration components. The profile is specified in the profile section and parameter.

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