"Resource queues" tab 

The resource queue-based launch condition allows you to launch one or more instances of the robot depending on the current number of resources in the queue. For example, the system will launch the robot only when there are at least 10 resources in the queue.

Learn more about resources and resource queues in the "Resource queues" section.

On the "Resource queues" tab, the following are available:

  • viewing the list of previously created launch conditions
  • creating a new launch condition
  • going to the card of a launch condition
  • deleting a launch condition
  • enabling or disabling launch conditions

Launch conditions table description

The "Resource queues" tab provides a table with a list of all robot launch conditions that work based on resource queues.

Column/button name


"Launch condition" column

Name of the launch condition

This is a link (button) that opens the card of the selected launch condition. The card is opened in read mode. Details about the launch condition card are described below

"Resource queues" column

Name of the resource queue on the basis of which the condition is configured

This is a link (button) that opens the card of the specified resource queue. For more information about this card, see "Resource queues" section.

"Robot" column


  • robot name
  • robot version
  • an indicator that shows whether the host account needs a GUI for the robot to work. If  is displayed, the GUI is required, if - it is not required
"Hosts to launch" columnThe name of the host group containing the accounts on which the robot can be run
"Author" columnFull name of the user who created the launch condition or who was the last person to modify the condition

"Disable all" button

By clicking this button you can disable all launch conditions from the list at once

This button is displayed if there is at least one enabled launch condition in the list. If all launch conditions are disabled, the "Enable all" button is displayed instead of this button

"Enable all" button

By clicking this button you can enable all launch conditions from the list at once

This button is displayed if all launch conditions in the list are disabled. If there is at least one enabled launch condition, the "Disable all" button is displayed instead of this button

"Delete" button

When clicked, a window appears confirming the deletion of the selected launch condition:

"Enable" button

By clicking you can enable the selected launch condition

"Disable" button

By clicking you can disable the selected launch condition

Use the "Columns" dropdown list to select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "Launch condition" column always displayed.

Launch conditions card

Launch condition card description

Button/field name


"Back" buttonWhen clicked, the launch condition card is closed without saving the changes made
"Edit" button

This button is displayed only in the card of an already created condition when it is opened (read mode)

By clicking on the button, the card is switched to the edit mode:

  • The "Edit" button disappears
  • Fields become editable
  • The "Cancel" and "Save" buttons appear
"Launch queue name" field

Launch condition name

Duplicates in launch condition names are prohibited. The maximum number of characters allowed is 60

"Resource queue" field

A dropdown list with the names of resource queues on the basis of which the launch condition will work. Only one queue can be selected from the list

In the card reading mode is a link (button) that opens the card of the specified resource queue

"Robot" field

If the robot is not yet selected, only the "Select" button is displayed in the field

If the robot is already selected, it is displayed:

  • robot name
  • robot version
  • indicator showing whether the host account needs a GUI for the robot to work. If is displayed, it means that the GUI is required; if - it is not required
  • "Select" button (in edit mode or when creating a new condition)

By clicking on the cross button you can remove the selected robot

"Log level" field

A dropdown list that displays the possible options for the logging levels of the workflow that the robot will execute

Default value: "Business"

Available values:

  • Business
  • Robot developer
  • Debugging
  • Information
  • Warning
  • Error
  • No

More details on logging levels can be found here: Log types

"Hosts to launch" field

A dropdown list with groups of hosts containing accounts on which the robot can run. Only those groups to which you have configured access are displayed (see the "Access control" section for details)

When launching robot instances, the system selects the most free accounts that are part of the specified host group

"Number of resources for the first launch" field

The minimum number of resources in the queue required to start the launch condition. Only resources are taken into account:

  • "New" and ‘In progress’ statuses
  • of the type specified in the "Resource type" field
"Number of robot instances" field

The maximum number of robot instances that can run simultaneously

If "-1" is specified, it means that infinitely many robot instances are allowed to launch. However, the number of robot instances will be limited by the number of available host accounts

All robot instances will run on different host accounts. Thus, no more than 1 instance launched under this launch condition can run on the same account

"Number of resources for additional launches" field

For some business workflows, there may be a time limit for processing resources. However, the number of resources can vary greatly from day to day, and there is no need to always launch many robot instances at once. For example, on weekdays there are few resources, so 1 instance can handle it. But on weekends there are so many resources that several robot instances will be needed to process them all in time

This parameter is intended for such situations - each time the number of resources in the queue increases by the specified value, one more robot instance should be launched

The way this mechanism works is as follows:

  1. "Number of resources for the first launch" = N, '"Number of resources for additional launches" = M
  2. The minimum required number of resources (N) appears in the queue
  3. The system launches the 1st instance of the robot.
  4. New resources are gradually added to the queue. As a result, there are now N+M resources in the queue
  5. Since there are now too many resources in the queue for one robot instance, the system launches another robot instance to help it.
  6. If more resources are added to the queue and the number of unprocessed resources becomes = N+M+M, a 3rd robot instance will be started.
  7. And so on.

If you specify 0 in the field, then as soon as the minimum required number of resources is available in the queue (the value from the "Number of resources for first launch" field), the system will immediately launch the maximum possible number of robot instances (the value from the "Number of robot instances" field).)

The field is editable only if the "Number of robot instances" field contains a number greater than 1. Otherwise, the value in this field cannot be changed and will be equal to 0

"Item type" field

A dropdown list with a selection of the type of resources that will be considered when calculating the total number of resources in the queue

Available values:

  • Any resources - both blocked and unblocked resources with "New" and "In progress" statuses will be counted
  • Resources without read locks - resources with status "New" and "In progress" that do not have any blocking and resources with only "Write" blocking will be counted.
  • Resources without a write blocking - resources with a status of "New" and "In progress" that do not have any blocking and resources with only a "Read" blocking will be counted.
  • Resources without any blocking - only resources with a status of "New" and "In progress" that do not have any blocking will be counted.
"Choose" button

Clicking on the button opens the "Select robot" window. Available only in edit mode

"Edit robot input parameters" button

When you click on it, the ""Setting the robot input parameters"" window opens. Available only in edit mode

The button is displayed only if a robot with input parameters is selected in the "Robot" field

"Create" button

This button is displayed in the card only when a new launch condition is created

A new launch condition is created by clicking on the button

"Save" button

This button is displayed in the card only when editing an already created launch condition

Clicking the button saves the changes made to the launch condition parameters; the card is switched to read mode:

  • The "Edit" button returns
  • Fields become uneditable
  • The "Cancel" and "Save" buttons disappear

"Cancel" button

This button is displayed in the card only when creating or editing an already created launch condition

Clicking the button opens a window with confirmation of canceling the changes made

Creating a launch condition

To create a new robot launch condition, follow the steps:

  1. Click on the "Create launch condition" button on the "Resource queues" tab. This opens an empty card for the launch condition in creation mode:

  2. Fill in all required fields.

  3. Click on the "Create" button to confirm the creation of the launch condition. Or click the "Cancel" button if you decide not to create it.

  4. When you click on "Create", the card will be closed and the new launch condition will be added to the table.

View and change the launch condition

To view and change a previously created launch condition, you must:

  1. On the "Resource queues" tab, select the required launch condition in the table and click on its name. The card of this launch condition will be opened in read mode:
  2. Click the button if you do not need to make changes to the card. This will return to the "Resource queues" tab in the "Launch conditions" section. If the launch condition card was accessed via the host account card, clicking on , will switch back to the account card. If the jump was made via the resource queue card, clicking on will switch back to the queue card.
  3. Click on the "Edit" button if you want to make changes to the parameters of the launch condition. The card will be switched to the edit mode:

  4. Make the necessary adjustments. 

  5. Click the "Save" button to save your changes. Or click the "Cancel" button if you decide not to save the changes. In any case, the card will be put back into the reading mode.

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