Available in the section:

Launch history

Completed launches table description

The table in the section lists the robots that have already completed:

  • Robots that are available to you. However, these robots may have been run on hosts that you do not have access rights to
  • Robots that you do not have access rights to, but they were run on hosts that are available to you.
  • Robots that were run in debug mode in ROBIN Studio (launching a robot project) on machine accounts available to you.

Column/button name


"Status" column

Current status of the robot launch

One of the following values is possible:

  • Successful
    Launch error

Read more in subsection "Completed launch statuses"

"Robot" column


  • robot name
  • robot version
  • indicator that shows whether the host account needs a GUI for the robot to work. If is displayed , it means that the GUI is required, if  - it is not required
"Start time" column

The date and time of the robot's launch. The agent receives them from the engine and passes them to the Orchestrator

It is displayed taking into account the user's time zone

If there is a launch error, the date/time the launch record was created in the database will be displayed, i.e. it is not the actual time when the robot was launched.

"Stop time" column

The date and time when the launch was completed. The agent gets these from the engine and passes them to Orchestrator

Displayed taking into account the user's time zone

If the robot completed while communication with the agent was lost (problems on the agent or server side):

  • the system reads the completion date/time from the robot log
  • If no log of this launch is found in Elastica, it will be given the date\time when a message was received from the Agent (after reconnection) that does not contain this launch
"Duration" column

The amount of time the robot has been running from the start of its script execution until completion

If the robot launch was started but terminated due to an error before the robot started executing its script, the duration will not be specified

Duration = end time - start time

If the robot terminated while communication with the Agent was lost (Agent or server side problems):

  • the system reads the date/time of completion from the robot log in Elastica. The duration will be = end time from elastica - start time
  • if no log of this launch is found in Elastica, Duration = date/time of receipt of message from Agent (after connection is restored) - start time

If a launch error occurred, it will be indicated:

"Launch method" column

Robot launch method.

Options for launching the robot:

  • "Manual launch" - the robot was launched by the user. The column next to the phrase also displays the name of the application through which the robot was launched: "Robin Studio", "Robin Player" or "Orchestrator"
  • "Launch condition (Resource queue)" - the robot was started by a condition based on the resource queue.
  • "Launch Condition (Schedule)" - the robot was started by a condition based on a schedule (configured via Orchestrator, not Player).
  • "Process" - the robot was launched as part of a digital employee's workflow execution.
  • "Robot" - the robot was started by another robot.
"Initiator" column

Robot launch initiator. There are 5 types of initiator depending on how the robot is launched:

  • "Manual launch" - the name of the user who launched the robot is displayed
  • "Launch condition (Schedule)" - displays the name of the launch condition. This name is a link (button), which can be used to go to the card of this launch condition (opened in read mode). If you click on the "Return" button in the card, the "Launch history" tab in the account card returns. If the launch condition is not found in the current tenant or is unavailable to the user, its name remains as a link, but nothing opens when clicked, a warning appears:
    "Error while working with launch condition. No launch condition found"
  • "Launch condition (Resource queue)" - displays the name of the launch condition. This name is a link (button) to the card of this launch condition (opens in read mode). The name of the condition is a link to its card, which is opened in the "read-only" mode. If you click on the "Return" button in the card, the "Launch history" tab in the account card returns. If the launch condition is not found in the current tenant or is unavailable to the user, its name remains as a link, but nothing opens when clicked, a warning appears:
    "Error while working with launch condition. No launch condition found"
  • "Process" - the name of the workflow within which the robot was launched is displayed
  • "Robot" - displays the name and version of the robot that launched the robot in question. Also displayed is an indicator that indicates whether the host account needs a GUI for the robot to work. If is displayed , it means that the GUI is required, if - it is not required
"Host" columnThe name and IP address of the host on which the robot was launched. The column displays the phrase "Host is not specified" if it was a launch with account selection (from the Process or by the condition of launching with resource queue), for which the account of the host was never selected
"Account" columnThe account of the host on which the robot was started. The column displays the phrase "Account not specified" if it was a launch with account selection (from a Workflow or by the condition of launching with a resource queue) for which the host account was never selected


By clicking on it, the records in the table are updated

"View log" button

By clicking on it, the "Robot log" window opens.  See the description of the robot log table for details

Use the "Columns" dropdown list to select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "Robot" column always displayed.

Completed launch statuses

Status name



Indicates that the robot has successfully completed its entire script and its launch has been completed automatically


Indicates that an error occurred during the execution of the script and the robot's launch was completed automatically


Indicates that the robot's launch was manually interrupted by the user


Means that the robot launch was terminated (automatically or manually) at a time when there was no communication with the Agent or there were problems on the client or server side of the platform, due to which no up-to-date information about the launched robot was received. In such a case, it is impossible to determine the exact reason of robot termination - whether the robot terminated itself (successfully or due to an error) or was stopped by the user

Ошибка запуска

Set if the robot launch entry has already been added to the list of running robots, but in the end the robot never started - RDP-session did not launch, error on the Agent side or any other reason

View robot log

The "View log" button opens a window that displays a record of all the actions the robot performed before completing its launch.

If you do not have access rights to the robot, you are also not allowed to view the logs of this robot. If you click on the "View log" button, an empty window will open:

Viewing the log of a robot that was launched in debug mode in ROBIN Studio (launching a robot project) is also prohibited.

When you click on the image-2024-6-18_11-21-1.pngbutton, a log file in .log format is downloaded. By default, the file is downloaded to the downloads folder. If there is already a file with the same name and extension in the folder, an index will be added to the name of the new file, for example, "Report generation - 10.11.2022 09\20\12 (1)".

The file contains all log entries (with input/output parameters). File example:


Robot log table description

Column/button name


"Time" column

Date and time when the action began or ended

"Action" column

Action name

May include:

  • user actions - those that the robot developer himself set on the scheme
  • system actions, such as switching or calling workflow subscripts

Typically, for every action, there are 2 entries in the log reporting that:

  • action started
    action terminated or crashed into an error

"Message" column

Text that communicates what is currently happening with the action.

  • Example of an action start message:

Action started

  • Example of an action alert message:

Exact driver version not found. A driver for 'CHROME' / '100' is required. Specify it in the config file

"Copy entry" button

When clicked, the entire log record generated by the robot execution system will be written to the clipboard. The log table does not show the input or output parameters of the actions, but they will be indicated in the record copied by this button

An example of such a record:

2023-06-27T21:38:33.400+05:00 RobotDeveloper DESKTOP-OLHVC8T Robin.Engine 14652 {"uniqueName":"Message 1","actionNumber":null,"actionId":"c05e9a56-0396-4c4b-8dfb-350da76ad59d","message":"actionStartMessage","robotId":"93562099-89f2-4227-87da-74f4f5428000","ParametersMap":{"DIALOG_TITLE":"END","REF_MESSAGE_TEXT":"b86c04af-e971-49a6-9733-65747db8812c","MESSAGE_TEXT":"2"}}
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