The table below describes the log files of ROBIN Studio, ROBIN Player, ROBIN Agent, ROBIN Executor, robot sources (schemes), and the execution of finished program robots.


Log example

Record format

Location where logs are generated and stored (where they are transmitted to)

ROBIN Studio Logs of the application itself. They are generated and stored locally in the same place where the application is installed. Log files are deleted automatically when the limit of the number of log files is reached (old files are replaced by new ones). Through the application configuration file Studio.exe.config, you can customize the path and name of the log file, encoding, maximum size of the log file, maximum number of stored log files, log line recording format (pattern). Logs allow you to monitor the processes of the application itself and detect errors that occurred during the operation of ROBIN Studio.


ROBIN Studio

Name format: log[n].log, where n is the sequence number of the log file

  • Date and time of the record;

  • User under which the component is launched;

  • Type of log message;

  • Information message (datetime - date and time of process execution; pid - process id; thread - number of threads; message - name of the executed process; source - process source; category - process category; identity - user under which the process is executed).

%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Temp/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Studio/Logs

Types of log messages 

* <INFO> contains information about the studio itself (loading the studio; connecting the executor; terminating the studio; connecting visual modules, etc.). 

* <DEBUG> Level – debug. contains information about the processes occurring inside the studio (opening/closing the project; actions performed by the robot, etc.). 

* <ERROR> contains information about an error. Level – error. After the same blocks as in  <INFO> and <DEBUG> follows the block exception, which contains message blocks - the text of the error. stackTrace - Stack trace, which allows you to trace the sequence of called functions - up to the point at which the stack trace was created.

ROBIN Player Logs of the application itself. They are generated and stored locally in the same place where the application is installed. Log files are deleted automatically when the limit of the number of these files is reached (old files are replaced by new ones). They are configured in the configuration file RobotPlayer.exe.config. Logs allow you to monitor the processes of the application itself and identify errors that occurred during the operation of ROBIN Player.


ROBIN Player

Name format: log[n].log, where n is the sequence number of the log file

  • Information message (datetime - date and time of process execution; pid - process id; thread - number of threads; message - name of the executed process; source - process source; category - process category; identity - user under which the process is executed).


ROBIN Agent Logs of the application itself. They are generated and stored locally in the same place where the application is installed. Log files are deleted automatically when the limit of the number of these files is reached (old files are replaced by new ones). It is configured in the configuration file Robin.Agent.dll.config. The logs allow you to monitor the processes of the application itself and detect errors that occurred during the operation of ROBIN Agent.



Name format: log[n].log, where n is the sequence number of the log file

  • Information message (datetime - date and time of process execution; pid - process id; thread - number of threads; message - name of the executed process; source - process source; category - process category; identity - user under which the process is executed).

  • Date and time of the record;

  • User under which the component is launched;

  • Type of log message

%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Roaming/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent/Logs

Robot sources (schemes) The execution logs of the sources run through ROBIN Studio. A separate log file is created for each source. When the same source is restarted, its file is overwritten each time with information about the new run. Thus, for each running source there is always only one log file, containing information only about the last run of this source. Source logs allow you to monitor the operation of the robot's scheme and identify errors that occurred in any actions of the robot's script.


Robot schemes

The format of the name is: [Robot name]-[n].log, where n is the date and time the robot started.

  • Information message;

  • Date and time of recording;

  • User under which the component is launched;

  • Type of log message;

  • Module from which the message was received

%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Programs/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Robot/Logs

A message of type Error contains information about the process error and the following modules:

  • Message – information about the error

  • robotId

  • actionNumber

  • uniqueName

  • actionId

Execution of ready-made program robots A separate log file is created for each robot. When the same robot is restarted, its file is overwritten each time with information about the new run. Thus, for each robot that is started, there is always only one log file that contains information only about the last startup of that robot. If the robot terminated without errors, an empty log file will be generated. If errors occurred while the robot was running, only the error information will be recorded in the log file. The logs are stored in the same folder as the logs of the robot's sources (schemes).


Execution of ready-made program robots

The format of the name is: [Robot name]-[n].log, where n is the date and time the robot started.

When the robot terminates correctly, the log is an empty file. A message of Error type contains information about the process error and the following modules:

* Message –  information about the error 

* robotId 

* actionNumber 

* uniqueName 

* actionId

%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Local/Programs/Robin Platform/2.0.0/RobotLogs

ROBIN Executor Logs of each engine (net, java, python) are generated separately. Net and Java log files are deleted automatically when the number of log files reaches the limit (old files are replaced with new ones). The NetExecutor.exe.config file can be used to configure the same parameters for Net as for ROBIN Studio. For Java - via the logback.xml file. For python, there is no separate configuration file for logging settings yet, but its files are also automatically deleted when the limit on the number of these files is reached (maximum number = 10). The python logs are stored in two files: python_engine.log is the logs of the Python engine. python_executor.log is the logs of the Python executor.


ROBIN Executor

Name format:


  • Date and time of the record;

  • User under which the component is launched;

  • Type of log message;

  • Information message (message - name of the executed process; loglevel - logging level; dataTime - date and time of process execution; exeption - exception, usually null, the error log contains message and stacktrace)

%USERPROFILE%/AppData/Roaming/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Executor/Logs

Name format: python_executor.log; python_engine.log

  • Date and time of logging;

  • The user under which the component is running;

  • Type of log message;

  • The module from which the message was received;

  • Information message python_executor.log (module - module from which the message was received; status - process status; content - process description, it may include error messages)

  • Python_engine.log informational message ( message - name of the committed process; thread - name of threads)

Name format: log[n].log, where n is the sequence number of the log file

  • Date and time of the record;

  • User under which the component is launched;

  • Type of log message;

  • Information message (level - logging level; datetime - date and time of process execution; pid - process id; thread - number of threads; message - name of the executed process; source - process source; process category; identity - user under which the process is executed)

Types of log messages 

* <INFO> contains information about the studio itself (loading the studio; connecting the executor; terminating the studio; connecting visual modules, etc.).

* <DEBUG> Level – debug. contains information about the processes occurring inside the studio (opening/closing the project; actions performed by the robot, etc.).

* <WARN> level – Warning,contains warnings about abnormal usage, e.g. unexpected call parameters, etc.

The table below shows examples of logs generated as a result of each component.


Log example

Example of log with error

ROBIN Studio

Oct 26 03:19:07 DESKTOP-UBUAANO <DEBUG>{«level»:»Debug»,»datetime»:»2021-10- 26T15:19:07.4143472+03:00» ,»pid»:15572,»thread»:1,»message»:»InitProjectLoaderModule()», «source»:»Robin.Studio.Modules.LdapModule.LdapModuleInitialization»,»category»: «LdapModuleInitialization»,»identity»:»DESKTOP- UBUAANO\persi»}

Oct 26 03:25:45 DESKTOP-UBUAANO <ERROR> {«level»:»Error»,»datetime»:»2021-10-26T15:25:45.9490191+03:00»,»pid»:4836,»thread»:1,»message»:»SaveExecutableScenarioToFile failed» «source»:»Robin.Studio.Core.Application.ApplicationViewModelCommands»,»category»:»ApplicationViewModelCommands»,»identity»:»DESKTOP-UBUAANO\persi»,»exception»:{«message»:»The Add N request action does not have a selected version»,»stackTrace»:» в Robin.Studio.Core.DiagramPrimitives.Extensions.ActionExtensions.<…>в Robin.Studio.Core.Application. ApplicationViewModelCommands.SaveExecutableScenarioToFile()»,»source»:»Robin.Studio.Core.DiagramPrimitives»,»type»:»System.NullReferenceException»}}

ROBIN Player

{«datetime»:»2021-10-27T15:35:49.0142064+03:00»,»pid»:18164,»thread»:13,»message»: «PipeServer WaitForConnection «,»source»:»Robin.RobotPlayer.App»,»category»:»Application», «identity»:»DESKTOP-UBUAANO\persi»}

{«level»:»Warning»,»datetime»:»2021-11-02T09:19:18.3494074+03:00»,»pid»:10936,»thread»:1,»message»:»Get Favorites failed»,»source»:»Robin.RobotPlayer.Ply.Services. StorageService»,»category»:»StorageService»,»identity»:»DESKTOP-UBUAANO\persi»,»exception»:{«message»:»Couldn't find part of the path «C:\Users\persi\AppData\Local\Robin\Storage\».»,»stackTrace»:» in System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)rn in System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)rn в System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)rn в System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.Open(String archiveFileName, ZipArchiveMode mode, Encoding entryNameEncoding)rn в Robin.RobotPlayer.Ply.Repositories.FavoriteRepository.Get()rn в Robin.RobotPlayer.Ply.Services.StorageService.GetFavorites()»,»source»:»mscorlib»,»type»: «System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException»}}


DESKTOP-UBUAANO <DEBUG> {«level»:»Debug»,»datetime»:»2021-10-20T10:05:40.9722638+03:00», «pid»:6196,»thread»:14,»message»:»Username received persi»,»source»: «Robin.Agent.RobotExecution.State.StateEventProcessors.CreatedStateProcessor»,»category»: «CreatedStateProcessor»,»identity»:»DESKTOP-UBUAANO\persi»}

Oct 20 09:26:04 DESKTOP-UBUAANO <ERROR> {«level»:»Error»,»datetime»:»2021-10-20T09:26:04.720179+03:00»,»pid»:6196,»thread»:1,»message»:»TryCreateConnection failed»,»source»: «RabbitMqClient: Offline»,»category»:»RabbitMqClientBase»,»identity»:»DESKTOP-UBUAANO\persi»,»exception»:{«message»:»The operation has timed out.»,»stackTrace»:» at RabbitMQ.Client.Impl.TaskExtensions.TimeoutAfter(Task task, TimeSpan timeout)rn at RabbitMQ.Client.Impl.SocketFrameHandler.ConnectOrFail(ITcpClient socket, AmqpTcpEndpoint endpoint, TimeSpan timeout)»,»source»:»RabbitMQ.Client»,»type»:»System.TimeoutException»}}

Robot schemes

2021-10-27T17:25:04.436+03:00 RobotDeveloper DESKTOP-UBUAANO Robin.Engine 10792 {«message»: «actionStartMessage»,»ParametersMap»:{«fileName»:»тест»,»dirPath»:»C:\Users\persi\ OneDrive\Рабочий стол»,»overwrite»:»True»},»robotId»:»b5d2b5d8-5827-4fb2-b793-f892809266c7» «actionNumber»:null,»uniqueName»:»Create file Excel 1»,»actionId»:»ac9100b8-768e-4f4b-985b -5eb18b5a61ec»}

2021-10-27T17:25:07.255+03:00 Error DESKTOP-UBUAANO Robin.Action 10792 {«message»:»428668b0-f475-47b7-914d-58d394453638 возникло Robin.Exception.FileNotFound в Robin.Excel. Open: File „C:\Users\persi\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\тест“ was not found»,»robotId»:»b5d2b5d8-5827-4fb2-b793-f892809266c7»,»actionNumber»:null,»uniqueName»:»Open 1»,»actionId»:»428668b0-f475-47b7-914d-58d394453638»}

Execution of ready-made program robots

Empty text file

2021-11-03T08:58:44.836+03:00 Error DESKTOP-UBUAANO Robin.Action 400 {«message»:»Failed at executing action: Robin.Excel.CellSetValue, Exception: Error setting A1=value. Cell is incorrect: [А1]»,»robotId»:»170332e0-0b56-4c1b-956f-689268a50573»,»actionNumber»:null,»uniqueName»:»Set the value of cell 1»,»actionId»:»4e8b790e- 51fa- 4c0c-b5b7-d61ffabbc11c»}

ROBIN Executor java.log

october 20 10:11:45 DESKTOP-UBUAANO DEBUG {«message»:»Try to initialize timestamp», «logLevel»:»DEBUG»,»dateTime»:»october 20 10:11:45»,»exception»:null}

october 26 15:40:09 DESKTOP-UBUAANO ERROR{«message»:null,»logLevel»:»ERROR»,»dateTime»:»october 26 15:40:09»,»exception»:{«message»:null,»stacktrace»:»BusinessException[type =Robin.Exception.ElementNotFound, typeVersion=null, source=Robin.Selenium.SendClick,parameters= {stackTrace=ru.robin.selenium.seleniumactionshelper.ElementUtils. getReachableElement( java:38)nru.robin.engine.Engine.b(}, message=null]rntat ru.robin.selenium.seleniumactionshelper.ElementUtils.getReachableElement( ru.robin.selenium.SendClick.doActionWork ( ru.robin.sdk.action.AbstractRobinAction.execute( ru.robin.engine.Engine.b( ru.robin.engine.Engine.c(»}}

ROBIN Executor Python_executor.log

2021-08-31T14:20:05.849+03:00 DEBUG DESKTOP-UBUAANO Robin.Executor 1548 {«module»: «PythonExecutor.modules.Executor», «status»: «running», «content»: «All ZMQ Pollers registered»}

2021-11-01T17:18:02.639+03:00 DEBUG DESKTOP-UBUAANO Robin.Executor 12504 {«module»: «PythonExecutor.modules.Executor», «status»: «running», «content»: «Got inproc msg from Engine. Received message: b“\n\x10\n\x0eROBOT_FINISHED\x1a\xaf\x06\n$a78ae3da-9472-4d2f-83a6-e35a11ae7c05\x12\x1d\x12\x1bRobot finished successfully\x1a\x0c\x08\x9a\xee\xff\x8b\x06\x10\xc0\x91\xea\xaf\x02*\xd9\x05<ActionInOut schemaVersion=»5.4.0» scenarioLogLevel=»ActionDeveloperError»> \n <InOutResources/>\n <ActionBreakpoints/>\n <ActionLogLevels>\n <ActionLogLevel actionId=»7e9fc174-90a1-49ad-a5ec-e3149fd2fb5c» logLevel=»Error»/>\n <ActionLogLevel actionId=»887c25d3-be6f-4a0e-882d-a365eb211c91» logLevel=»Error»/>\n <ActionLogLevel actionId=»428668b0-f475-47b7-914d-58d394453638» logLevel= «Error»/>\n <ActionLogLevel actionId=»4e8b790e-51fa-4c0c-b5b7-d61ffabbc11c» logLevel=»Error»/>\n <ActionLogLevel actionId=»101044ed-8cf2-4252-bb4a-b8782e5bf5d1» logLevel=»Error»/>\n <ActionLogLevel actionId=»48fc2f56-3f9a-4952-a193-24f9bdada649» logLevel=»Error»/>\n </ActionLogLevels>\n</ActionInOut>\n“»}

ROBIN Executor Python_engine.log

2021-11-03T10:02:43.569+03:00 DEBUG DESKTOP-UBUAANO Robin.Engine 6292 {«message»: «BranchService initialized», «thread»: «Engine»}

2021-11-03T10:02:46.830+03:00 ERROR DESKTOP-UBUAANO Robin.Engine 6292 {«message»: «Can’t execute „Robin.Vision.WaitForObject“ action. Error: OpenCV(4.4.0) C:\Users\ appveyor\AppData\Local\Temp\1\pip-req-build-rwld3ghi\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\color.cpp:182: error: (-215:Assertion failed) !_src.empty() in function „cv::cvtColor’n», «thread»: «Thread- 2»}

ROBIN Executor log[n].log

Oct 27 05:25:03 DESKTOP-UBUAANO <DEBUG> {«level»:»Debug»,»datetime»:»2021-10-27T17:25:03. 3781561+03:00»,»pid»:10792,»thread»:12,»message»:»Deserialized ActionInOut: Robin.ActionInOuts.ActionInOut»,»source»:»NetEngine.Engine»,»category»:»Engine»,»identity»: «DESKTOP-UBUAANO\persi»}

Nov 03 08:35:08 DESKTOP-UBUAANO <ERROR> {«level»:»Error»,»datetime»:»2021-11-03T08:35:08.0421669+03:00»,»pid»:10564,»thread»:8,»message»:»Exception occurred within executing action: Value setting error И1=УСПЕХ. Cell is incorrect: [И1]»,»source»:»NetEngine.Engine»,»category»:»Engine»,»identity»:»DESKTOP-UBUAANO\persi»,»exception»: {«message»:»Value setting error И1=SUCCESS. Cell is incorrect: [И1]»,»stackTrace»:» в .(Int32 , MethodBase , Object , Object[] )rn в Robin.Excel.CellSetValue.Execute(IDictionary`2 parameters)rn в (Engine , Action )»,»source»:»Robin-Imp.Excel.CellSetValue»,»type»:»System.Exception»}}

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