


Open the WebSpy window via the toolbar in the action parameters

1. Add an action from the "Browsers" group to the scheme

2. In the "Element" parameter of the action, open a toolkit

3. Click the Spy button in the opened "Adding a new resource" window

1. An action from the "Browsers" group is added to the robot scheme

2. "Add new resource" toolbar window opened

3. WebSpy window opened in the start state:

  • Connection field. A drop-down list of items: "Attach to browser", "Open new browser". Required field. The default value is Open new browser

  • Browser field. A drop-down list of "Google Chrome", "Internet Explorer" items. The default value is "Google Chrome"

  • Url field. Optional field. The field is activated only if "Open new browser" is selected. In it, you enter the address of the page you want to open in the new browser

  • Start button

Open the WebSpy window via the resource panel

1. Go to the Resources tab in the Web elements section

2. Click the button to add a new web resource

3. Click the Spy button in the opened "Adding a new resource" window

1. Web elements tab in the "Resources" panel is opened

2. "Adding a new resource" window opens

3. WebSpy window opened in the start state:

  • Connection field. A drop-down list of items: "Attach to browser", "Open new browser". Required field. The default value is Open new browser

  • Browser field. A drop-down list of "Google Chrome", "Internet Explorer" items. The default value is "Google Chrome"

  • Url field. Optional field. The field is activated only if " Open new browser" is selected. In it you enter the address of the page you want to open in the new browser

  • Start button

Connecting to the last active Google Chrome window


  • Several windows of the Google Chrome browser are open. Window 1 is under profile 1, window 2 is under profile 2

  • The last active browser window is window 2

  • Window IE is opened

  • Open the WebSpy window in any possible way (via a toolkit or the resource panel)

1. Select "Attach to browser" from the "Connection" drop-down list

2. Leave the selected browser as "Google Chrome"

3. Click "Start"

4. Select an element on the activated page, using Ctrl

5. Close the spy window by clicking on the cross of the box with the data of the captured element

6. Click on the element on the activated page

1. The "Url" field is not active

2. The Google Chrome browser is selected

3. The window 2 of the "Google Chrome" browser is activated

The tool goes to the last active browser tab

4. The item is selected, the item data is displayed in the item capture box

5. The spy window closes, the browser is not closed, the studio window is activated

6. Normal click action is performed, the element captured in the Studio is not changed

Connecting to a window with an extension enabled in Google Chrome


  • Several windows of the Google Chrome browser are open. Window 1 under profile 1, window 2 under profile 3

  • The last active browser window is window 2

  • Window IE is opened

  • Open the WebSpy window in any possible way (via a toolkit or the resource panel)

1. Select "Attach to browser" from the "Connection" drop-down list.

2. Leave the selected browser as "Google Chrome"

3. Click "Start"

4. Select an element on the activated page, using Ctrl

5. Close the spy window by clicking on the cross of the box with the data of the captured element

6. Click on the element on the activated page

1. The "Url" field is not active

2. The Google Chrome browser is selected

3. The window 1 of the "Google Chrome" browser is activated. The tool goes to the last active browser tab

4. The element is selected, the item data is displayed in the item capture box

5. The spy window closes, the browser is not closed, the studio window is activated

6. Normal click action is performed, the element captured in the Studio is not changed

Connecting to an open Internet Explorer browser


  • Multiple Internet Explorer browser windows are open

  • A Google Chrome browser window is open under profile 1

  • Open the WebSpy window in any possible way (via a toolkit or the resource panel)

1. Select "Attach to browser" from the "Connection" drop-down list.

2. Leave the selected browser as "Internet Explorer"

3. Click "Start"

4. Select an element on the activated page, using Ctrl

5. Close the spy window by clicking on the cross of the box with the data of the captured element

6. Click on the element on the activated page

1. The Url field is not active

2. The Internet Explorer browser is selected

3. The last active window of the "Internet Explorer" browser is activated

The tool goes to the last active browser tab.

4. The item is selected, the item data is displayed in the item capture box

5. The spy window closes, the browser is not closed, the studio window is activated

6. Normal click action is performed, the element captured in the Studio is not changed

Open the new Google Chrome browser


  • A Google Chrome browser window is open under profile 1

  • Open the WebSpy window in any possible way (via a toolkit or the resource panel)

1. Leave the default value "Open new browser" in the drop-down list of the "Connection" field

2. Enter an address in the "Url" field.

3. In the "Browser" field, select Google Chrome browser from the drop-down list

4. Click "Start"

5. Select an item on the activated page, using Ctrl

6. Close the spy window by clicking on the cross of the data box

of the captured item

7. Click on the item in the browser window opened before launching the spy window

1. When the "Open new browser" option is selected, the "Browser" and "Url" fields and the "Start" button are active

2. The address is specified in the "Url" field

3. Google Chrome browser is selected in the "Browser" field

4. A new browser window with the specified site is opened

5. The item is selected, its data is specified in the item capture window

6. The element capture window is closed, the browser window is closed, the "Adding a new resource" toolbar window is displayed with filled in data of the selected element

7. A normal click action is performed, the element captured in the Studio is not changed

Open a new Internet Explorer browser

  • Prerequisite:

  • A Internet Explorer browser window is open

  • Open the WebSpy window in any possible way (via a toolkit or the resource panel)

1. Leave the default value "Open new browser" in the drop-down list of the "Connection" field

2. Enter an address in the "Url" field.

3. In the "Browser" field, select Internet Explorer browser from the drop-down list

4. Click "Start"

5. Select an item on the activated page, using Ctrl.

6. Close the spy window by clicking on the cross of the data box

of the captured item

7. Click on the item in the browser window opened before launching the spy window

1. When the "Open a new browser" option is selected, the "Browser" and "Url" fields and the "Start" button are active; the "Select a browser window" button is inactive

2. The "Url" field contains the address

3. Internet Explorer browser is selected in the "Browser" field

4. A new window of the Internet Explorer browser with the specified site is opened

5. The element is selected, its data is specified in the element capture window

6. The element capture window is closed, the browser window is closed, and the "Adding a new resource" toolbar window is displayed with the data of the selected element filled in

7. A normal click action is performed, the element captured in the Studio is not changed

Open the new Yandex browser


  • The Yandex browser window is open

  • Open the WebSpy window in any possible way (via a toolkit or the resource panel)

1. Leave the default value "Open new browser" set in the drop-down list of the "Connection" field

2. In the "Url" field, enter the address

3. In the "Browser" field, select the Yandex browser from the drop-down list

4. Click the "Start"

5. Select an item on the activated page, using Ctrl

6. Close the spy window by clicking on the cross of the data box

of the captured element

7. Click on the element in the browser window opened before launching the spy window

1. When the "Open new browser" option is selected, the "Browser" and "Url" fields and the "Start" button are active, the "Select a browser window" button is inactive

2. The "Url" field contains the address

3. Yandex browser is selected in the "Browser" field

4. A new window of the Yandex browser with the specified site is opened

5. The item is selected, its data is specified in the element capture window

6. The element capture window is closed, the browser window is closed, the "Add new resource" toolbar window is displayed with filled in data of the selected element

7. A normal click action is performed, the element captured in the Studio is not changed

Once the web element block is added, a set of buttons becomes available to the user.

Button functions:

adding a new web element block

edit a block of web elements

hiding web elements included in the block

After clicking the [Start] button, a window appears in the lower right corner of the APM screen to display DisplayName, Xpath, and Selector information.

After closing the browser, the WebSpy window is populated with the appropriate parameters.

Click the "Pause" button to pause the work of the web-element, and click the "Stop" button to finish the work. In order to save the created web element it is necessary to click on the "Save" button, to refuse saving - on the "Cancel" button.

Screenshot and display the captured element

In order to view the taken snapshot of win/web/sap element on the screen, you need to:

1 way

  1. Click on edit web element, options window will appear.
  2. Click on the "Snapshot of element" button, a window with the image will appear.

Positions for the button in the parameters:

  • The "Element screenshot" button is always displayed, if there is a screenshot saved by the spy, it will open on click, if not, the button will be inactive
  • The dialog box where the screenshot will appear displays a picture and a cross to close the window
  • The saved screenshot is stored in the project folder
  • If the resource (web/win element) has been deleted from the studio, the screenshot will also be deleted
  • If when editing a resource (web/win element) a new element is written there via spy, the old screenshot will be replaced or deleted.
  • The window is not displayed on the full screen when opening a screenshot (in the size of the standard toolkit)

2 way

  1. In the action on the scheme to which the screenshot is attached, hover over the camera icon. The screenshot will be displayed in thumbnail with the exact location of the captured item marked.
  2. If you move the cursor away from the camera icon, the screenshot will close.

Positions for the button on the action:

  • The screenshot icon is displayed on actions that use win/web elements (i.e. browser actions and windows)
  • If the screenshot is not attached to win/web/sap actions, there is no screenshot view icon on them
  • If the element is recorded via Spy, a screenshot is taken there and will be visible when hovering over the icon. If the user created the web element himself and filled in the fields, there will be no screenshot there
  • If you change the link to the resource in the action, the screenshot will change immediately, no need to perform additional actions (save, reopen the project, restart the Studio)
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