The installation log is located in the %LocalAppData%/Temp folder called “Setup Log YEAR-MONTH-DAY #NUMBER.txt”.

Studio and runtime system applications have three installation types - C;oud (web version), Standalone (no server is needed and everything works on the user's local machine) and Enterprise (an Orchestrator is supposed to be available at the organization). In Standalone and Enterprise, the installer offers two installation options - "For Current User Only" and "For All".

The table below summarizes the paths of executable files, log files and configuration files for all possible variants of distribution and installation of applications..




Enterprise, Cloud

For User

For All

For User

For All

EXE Studio

Available for launch by the user

%LocalAppData%/Programs/Robin Platform/ 2.0.0/Studio

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Studio



LOGs Studio

Always in Temp. No value

%LocalAppData%/Temp/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Studio/Logs

Config’s Studio

Always in personal file space

%LocalAppData%/Programs/Robin Platform/

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Studio


EXE Agent

If possible, it is not available for startup by the user in the option of installation for all, it is put on startup for the account LOCAL SYSTEM

%LocalAppData%/Programs/Robin Platform/ 2.0.0/Agent


Set to autostart user login

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent. 

Access to the folder is granted. Installed as a Windows service


Set to autostart user login

%SystemRoot%/System32/config/systemprofile/ AppData/Local/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent. 

Installed as a Windows service

LOGs Agent

Not in Temp. Removed by kibana

%AppData%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent/Logs

%SystemRoot%/System32/config/systemprofile/ AppData/Roaming/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent/ Logs

%APPDATA%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent/Logs

%SystemRoot%/System32/config/systemprofile/ AppData/Roaming/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent/ Logs

Config Agent

Not available for user viewing if possible

%LocalAppData%/Programs/Robin Platform/ 2.0.0/Agent

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent 

(Along with the exe)

%APPDATA%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent

%SystemRoot%/System32/config/systemprofile/ AppData/Roaming/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent

Root packages source

A directory whose subdirectories contain packages and are sources for package recovery.

%LocalAppData%/Programs/Robin Platform/ 2.0.0/Agent/Packages

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Agent /Packages

Packages are not installed

Root Temp Robots Folders

A directory in which subdirectories are created for each robot run. The subdirectory is used to restore packages necessary for the operation of a particular instance of the robot. When the robot instance is finished, the subdirectory with the restored packages is deleted. Other users of the system should not have access to the subdirectory created for the current user.

%LocalAppData%/Programs/Robin Platform/ 2.0.0/Runs/{User}/* 

When the robot is launched by this user, a subfolder is created in this folder to which the packages for the robot are restored

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Runs/ {User}/* Where USER is the name of the user who has the right to read this folder and all subfolders. When the robot is launched by this user, a subfolder is created in this folder to which packages for the robot are restored.

%APPDATA%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Runs/* 

When the robot is launched by this user, a subfolder is created in this folder to which packages for the robot are restored.

%SystemRoot%/System32/config/systemprofile/ AppData/Roaming/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Runs/ $USER$/* Where $USER$ is the name of the user who has permission to read this folder and all subfolders. When the robot is launched by this user, a subfolder is created in this folder to which packages for the robot are restored


Files with port information that is proofread by the studio, runners.


Not created. The file is used only in the "for myself" installation variant. In other cases, a specific port is opened.




EXE Player

Available for launching by the user.

%LocalAppData%/Programs/Robin Platform/ 2.0.0/RobotPlayer

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/ RobotPlayer

%localappdata%/Programs/Robin Platform/ 2.0.0/Runner

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Runner

Config’s Player

Always in a private file space

%LocalAppData%/Programs/Robin Platform/ 2.0.0/RobotPlayer

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/ RobotPlayer



LOGs Player

Always in temp. No value



%{USERPROFILE}/AppData/Roaming/RobinPlatform /2.0.0/RobotPlayer/Logs/PlayerLog.log




EXEs Executor

Available for launch by the user

%LocalAppData%/Programs/Robin Platform/ 2.0.0/Executor

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Executor

%localappdata%/Programs/Robin Platform/ 2.0.0/Executor

%ProgramFiles%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Executor

LOGs Executor

Not in Temp. Removed by kibana

%AppData%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Executor/ Logs

%AppData%/Robin Platform/2.0.0/Executor/Logs



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