ROBIN Robot 2.0.0 (ROBIN Robot Employee) - the mandatory component of the Robin platform, designed for local launch and control of the work of software robots created in the Studio.

ROBIN Robot has functionality:

  • manual launch and stop of software robots;
  • execution of robots launched manually or from the orchestrator, according to the configured scenario;
  • launch/restarting software robots in accordance with a custom schedule;
  • sending letters with logs, video and technical information based on the end of the robot work;
  • uploading software robots to the catalog;
  • viewing the history of launches;
  • viewing the robot logs.

Composition and versions of ROBIN Robot

ROBIN Robot consists of modules:

  1. ROBIN Player - the Robin Robot user interface provides management of local robots. Robin Player launches robots created in Robin Studio (extension files .robin-robot).
  2. ROBIN Agent - an application ensuring the interaction of the components of the Robin Studio-Robin Orchestrator-Robot Robot-Executor platform.
  3. ROBIN Executor - performing engines (.net, java, python), which ensure the performance of scenarios on the platforms.

ROBIN Robot has two versions:

  • ROBIN Robot for operating system MS Windows
  • ROBIN Robot for operating systems of the Linux family.

What kind of robots are running on Linux

When creating a robot script for Linux, make sure that the actions used are implemented in java and python. Such robots run on both Linux and Windows in the same way. Actions implemented in .net run only on windows

The ROBIN Robot also has several delivery options:

Standalone option

  • is designed for local control of software robots on a separate workstation, without connection to an orchestrator;
  • the distribution includes all packages with actions, libraries necessary for robots execution;
  • no connection to the orchestrator, robots are stored locally for launching;
  • no user authentication with an account

Enterprise variant

  • is intended both for local control of software robots on a separate workstation and using an orchestrator;
  • the distribution includes only platform components. All necessary actions and libraries for robot execution are stored and updated centrally on the server in Orchestrator;
  • actions required for robot execution are downloaded from the server when the robot is started. The downloaded resources are stored in the cache and are not downloaded again each time the robot is started;
  • has user authentication and authorization.

There is also a Cloud delivery option for managing software robots on a separate workstation under the control of the ROBIN Cloud service (see the ROBIN Cloud portal for a description of how to use the ROBIN Cloud).

Robot launch options

One ROBIN Robot license allows an unlimited number of robot scenarios to be run on a single workstation. Sequential and parallel running of scenarios is also available.

Parallel execution of scenarios is possible for robots that do not use UI applications and the same resources for operation. Such robots can work simultaneously with each other or with the user, since all actions are performed in the background without using application windows.

Robots that use application UI in their work are launched sequentially. Only one software robot can work with the UI at a time.


A robot reading an Excel file, working with email, operating system processes, performing background calculations, interacting with web pages - it runs entirely in the background and its actions may not be visible to the user.

For a robot that runs a desktop application scenario, it is important for the application window to be open, so such a robot cannot work simultaneously with the user or another robot of the same type.

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