ROBIN Studio

Agent-related corrections:

  • In the «For all users» installation option, the user session’s activity state is now correctly determined.
  • When running robots with sub-scenarios on different engines, the message about starting and finishing the robot is now transmitted only once, not for each sub-scenario. Now, robots in RMC are displayed correctly.
  • With disabled robot package caching (in this case, packages are downloaded for each robot anew and deleted after its completion), .NET actions are now properly found by the executor and do not produce errors during startup.
  • During «hard stop» execution while downloading robot packages, the command is no longer ignored. Package download is interrupted at the first opportunity, and then the robot is stopped.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented using domain authorization while working with applications.

Action Group «Orchestrator»

  • Fixed an issue with actions related to queue handling, now they should connect to the server correctly.
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