What’s new

«File system» action group, «Files» subgroup

  • Added the «File extension» property to the «File create» action, which allows you to specify the extension of the file being created.
  • Added the «Result» property to the «Write to text file» action, which allows you to save the path to the created file in it.
  • Added the «New file extension» property to the «File rename» action, which allows you to specify the file extension.
  • Renamed the «Read File» action to «Read text file».
  • Renamed the «Write to File» action to «Write to text file».

«File system» action group, «Archives» subgroup

  • Added the «Path to file» property to the «Zip» action, which allows you to specify the path.
  • Added the «Archive format» property to the «Zip» action, which allows you to select the desired format from the drop-down list.
  • Added the «If duplicated» property to the «Zip» action, which allows you to select an action if there is already an archive with the selected name in the folder.
  • Added the «Result» property to the «Zip» action, which allows you to save the path to the created archive in it.
  • Removed the «Format» property in the «Zip» action.
  • The «Path to» property has been removed rar.exe » into the Archive action».
  • Added the «If duplicated» property to the «Unzip» action, which allows you to select an action if there is already a file with the selected name in the folder.
  • Removed the «Format» property in the «Unzip» action.
  • The «Path to» property has been removed 7z.exe » into action «Unzip».
  • The «Path to» property has been removed unrar.exe » into action «Unzip».
  • The «Edit» action has been removed.

«File System» action group, «Folders» subgroup

  • Added the «Parent folder» property to the «Folder create» action, which allows you to specify the path to the directory where you want to create a folder.
  • Added the «Result» property to the «Folder create» action, which allows you to save the path to the created folder.
  • Added the «Folder» property to the «Folder delete» action, which allows you to specify the path to the folder to be deleted.
  • Added the «Folder сleanup» action, which allows you to move the contents of the specified folder to the trash.
  • Renamed the «Check folder existence» action to «Check existence».
  • Added the «Folder» property to the «Check existence» action, which allows you to specify the path to the folder.
  • Added the «Match pattern» property to the «Search directories» action, which allows you to specify a search query mask for the folder name.
  • Added the «Folder» property to the «Folder list» action, which allows you to specify the path to the folder.
  • Added the «Folder» property to the «Folder clear» action, which allows you to specify the path to the folder.
  • Added the «Folder» property to the «Folder move» action, which allows you to specify the path to the folder.
  • Added the «Folder» property to the «Folder rename» action, which allows you to specify the path to the folder.
  • Renamed the «Get Parent Folder» action to «Get parent».
  • Added the «Folder» property to the «Get parent» action, which allows you to specify the path to the folder.

«Tables» action group

  • Added the «Add Column» action, which allows you to add a column to the end of the table.
  • Added the «Add Row» action, which allows you to add a row to the end of the table.

«Date Conversion» action group

  • Added the «Get current date» action, which allows you to get the necessary element from the selected date.

«Operators» action group, subgroup «Logical»

  • Added «Not equal» action.

«Collections» action group

  • The «Clear Collection» action has been removed.

«Browsers» action group

  • In the «Open Browser» action, the «Driver Path» parameter has been removed. Now the default is used.

The «Functions» action group has been removed.


  • Added descriptions by the «Learn More» button for «Base actions», «Dialogs», «Email», «Excel», «Outlook», «Word», «PDF», «File system», «Simulate system», «Tables», «Text» action groups.
  • The work of PDF and Word action groups has been stabilized.
  • In the «Take screenshot» action in the «Base Actions» action group, the ability to highlight an area of the screen has been added.

Common Studio components

  • Implemented obtaining information about the current user (publication of robots/sources).
  • Implemented output of the parameter type when hovering over the hint.
  • Changed the name of the actions: added a sequence number, and also changed the name of the action in the parameters to Russian.
  • Changed the display of logical type values on the checkbox.
  • Нет меток