What's new

ROBIN Studio

  • The method of action numbering has been changed. Now action name consists of 2 components - action name and non-editable item index. The index is automatically changed when new actions with the same name are added.
  • When copying actions, the original action name is now saved, even if it has been changed by the user.
  • When opening a scheme from a previous version, index 1 will be automatically added to actions.
  • When entering text in the studio log search bar, it will automatically scroll to the first line with a match.
  • For rare cases of studio closing due to the presence of several actions with the same names in the scheme, an entry with the name of the actions that caused the error has been added to the studio log.
  • Fixed error with step-by-step debugging when switching engines in the scheme.

"Excel" action group

  • Clarified description of "Open" action parameters, clarified interaction of "Visible" and "Related context" parameters - if a related context is specified, the Visible from it setting is used.
  • Added new action "Get number of columns", allows to get a number - the number of columns in the specified row with the ability to skip hidden and empty cells.
  • Improved "Find text" action, corrected cell numbering when specifying a range in the middle of the sheet - the absolute position of the found cells on the sheet is correctly indicated.
  • Improved "Take table" action, added possibility to take a table of 1 cell size by specifying the same data in the start and end cells.
  • Improved "Insert table" action, added new parameters:

Added "With header" parameter - allowing to consider the table header as its first line and insert data into the file together with the table header. The "Column index" parameter has been added to most actions, allowing to use the R1C1 cell specification format. The parameter is an alternative to specifying the column name and is used if the name is not filled in.

  • A number of actions have unbugged versions, it is recommended to use the penultimate version of the action:
    • Apply the formula to the cell.
    • Clear the cell.
    • Get the cell value.
    • Is the cell empty
    • Get the cell color.
    • Set the cell value.
    • Set the cell format.
    • Set the cell color.

"Outlook" action group

  • Improved "Send" action, fixed an error that caused incorrect sending of e-mails with attachments.

"SAP" action group

  • Improved "Get table" action, added new parameters:
    • Added "With header" parameter - allowing to consider the first row of the table as its header and save as table column names.
    • Added "Remove duplicate titles" parameter - in combination with the previous parameter, if duplicate titles are encountered, indexes will be added to them when saving to the table.
    • Improved "Click" action, now correctly clicks on items in tree lists.

"Word" action group

  • Improved "Take table" action, added new parameters:
    • Added "With header" parameter - allowing the first row of the table to be treated as its header and saved as table column names.
    • Added "Remove duplicate titles" parameter - in combination with the previous parameter, if duplicate titles are encountered, indexes will be added to them when saving to the table.

"Databases" action group

  • The "Execute query" action has been improved, new parameters have been added:
    • Added "With title" parameter - allowing to consider the first row of the table as its title and save as table column names.
    • Added "Remove duplicate titles" parameter - in combination with the previous parameter, if duplicate titles are encountered, indexes will be added to them when saving to the table.

"Browsers" action group

  • Improved "Open" action, changed browser version detection mechanism, which should fix bug on old OS related to using wmic.e process.
  • Improved WebSpy, when launching IE it is now possible to specify the site address without protocols, only the main part of the url, for example "ya.ru".

"Integrations" action group

  • Improved "Send request" action from Rest subgroup, added "Disable SSL" parameter, which allows not to verify the server certificate when sending a request to it.
  • Improved "Get message" action from "MQ" subgroup, fixed a bug with context update, now a new message is read from the queue with each launch.

"Dates' conversion" action group

  • Improved "Subtract date by work calendar" action, now allows to get negative values if the date to be subtracted is greater.

"Vision" action group

  • Added new subgroup "Soica OCR", contains actions intended for working with the Soica service.
  • Added a new action "Send to recognition", which allows you to send a document to the Soica service for the recognition process. It is necessary to specify the class of the package that should be used for recognition, it contains the settings of the recognition process. The available classes should be specified by the administrator configuring the Soica service. When recognizing multi-page files, each page is considered by the service separately.
  • A new action "Get recognition result" has been added, which allows you to get the status and recognition result for a document previously sent for recognition. The recognition result can be received only at the final stages of the recognition process. In case of receiving the status "validation" - further processing of the file requires user intervention via the Soica web interface to resolve conflicts and disputable situations. It is possible to specify the format of the result - Json or Xml, which can be further used in the corresponding actions as a context.
  • A new action "Recognize" has been added, combining the functionality of the previous ones - the document will be sent for recognition and the recognition result is expected. The best use case is for processes where there is no need to validate the recognition result and when working with small documents.

"Office" action group

  • Added a new action "Add image" to the "Text document" subgroup that allows to add a specified image to a certain place of the document with specified dimensions.
  • Added a new "Insert data table" action to the "Text documents" subgroup that allows you to insert a table to a specified location in the document.
  • Added a new " Get table" action to the "Text document" subgroup that allows you to get the first or specified table from the document by table number.
  • Added a new "Replace text" action to the "Text document" subgroup that allows you to replace the first or all occurrences of a string with another specified value.
  • Added a new action "Replace image" to the "Text documents" subgroup that allows you to replace the image in the document with another one with the specified dimensions. The image is searched for by number.
  • Added new "Delete text" action to the "Text document" subgroup, which allows adding a specified image to a certain place in the document with specified dimensions.
  • Added a new "Is cell empty" action to the "Spreadsheets" subgroup that allows you to determine that there is no value in a table cell.
  • Added a new action "Get row data" to the "Spreadsheets" subgroup that allows you to get row cell values as a collection.
  • Added a new action "Cell clear" to the "Spreadsheets" subgroup that allows you to set an empty value in a table cell.
  • Added a new action "Add sheet" to the "Spreadsheets" subgroup, allowing to add a new sheet to the document.
  • Added new action "Delete sheet" to the "Spreadsheets" subgroup, allowing to delete a sheet by name or index.
  • Added a new action "Paste range from clipboard" to the "Spreadsheets" subgroup that allows you to paste a value stored in the clipboard into a table cell.
  • Added new action "Copy range to clipboard" to the "Spreadsheets" subgroup, which allows to copy the specified range to the clipboard.
  • Added a new "Filter data" action to the "Spreadsheets" subgroup that allows you to apply a filter to the specified table area.

"Email" action group

  • The "Get message" action has been improved.
  • The description of the action result has been corrected, now it reflects the actual list of table columns and their filling.
  • Optimized algorithm of receiving mails, now if there are many mails in the box, the speed of receiving a small amount of mails or receiving with filters is significantly accelerated.

"Google services" action group

  • Improved the "Take value area" action of the "Google Spreadsheet" subgroup, added new parameters:
  • Added "With header" parameter - allowing you to treat the first row of the table as its header and save as table column names.
  • Added "Remove duplicate titles" parameter - in combination with the previous parameter, if duplicate titles are encountered, indexes will be added to them when saving to the table.
  • Improved "Insert table" action, added new parameters:
    • Added "With title" parameter - allowing to consider the table title as its first line and insert data into the file together with the table title.

"Tables" action group

  • Added new action "Join tables", which allows to join 2 tables according to a certain scheme, duplicate columns will be assigned an index.
  • Added a new action "Change column names" that allows you to change the names of the columns of the table, the names are taken from the passed collection.
  • Added a new action "Count columns", which allows you to get a number - the number of columns of the table, it is possible to skip completely empty columns during the calculation.
  • Improved "Get table from CSV" action, added new parameters:
    • Added "With header" parameter - allowing to consider the first row of the table as its header and save as table column names.
    • Added "Remove duplicate titles" parameter - in combination with the previous parameter, if duplicate titles are encountered, indexes will be added to them when saving to the table.

"Text" action group

  • Improved "Extract by template" action, fixed an error when working with multiline text, now using end/beginning of line designation in the template finds other matching elements on other lines except for the first and last lines

"File system" action group

  • Improved "Unzip" action with .net implementation, fixed a bug that made it necessary to always fill in the "When duplicated" parameter.

"Robot management" action group

  • Added a new group with actions for launching, stopping and tracking the status of robots working on the host.
  • Added a new action "Get list of running robots", which allows you to get a table with a list of active robots. The table contains the following information: robot ID, required for other group actions, robot name, robot launch time.
  • Added a new action "Start robot" that allows you to launch the exported robot, passing the launch parameters.
  • Added a new action "Stop robot" that allows you to send a stop command to the specified robot.
  • Added a new "Wait for the end of several robots" action that allows you to wait for all specified robots to finish within a specified time.
  • Added a new "Wait for one robot to finish" action that allows you to wait for the specified robot to finish within a specified time.
  • The action functionality works with some limitations due to existing issues:
  • The robot launch cannot be executed in the For All setting option, the script will stop with an error.
  • If a launched robot terminates before the robot from which it was launched, an error may occur in the main robot.
  • When saving a table with a list of robots, the launch time may not be converted correctly.
  • The "Start robot" action is executed immediately, the robot may only launch after a few seconds or may not launch at all.
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