What's new

"Excel" action group

Added the "Column index" parameter to actions to allow the use of the R1C1 cell specifying format. The parameter is an alternative to specifying a column name and is used if the name is not populated:

  • Apply the formula to the cell.
  • Clear the cell.
  • Get the cell value.
  • Is the cell empty
  • Get the cell color.
  • Set the cell value.
  • Set the cell format.
  • Set the cell color.

"Browsers" action group.

  • Updated the driver for Google Chrome to version 106.
  • WebSpy has been improved, the ability to connect to an already open browser has been added. To work in Google Chrome - it is necessary to install the extension of the folder of the installed platform Robin Platform2.0.0.0UtilsWebSpyRobinPlugin.crx in the browser and give the extension permission to open local files by links.


  • Launching the spy with the selected option to connect to an open browser will open a new page, then the spy will be able to work with items in the new tabs. To work with previously opened tabs, you need to refresh them. After closing Spy, you may need to refresh the tab to stop highlighting elements on the page.
  • To work with open Internet Explorer, it is necessary to install the IE add-on, using the attached script ..Robin Platform2.0.0.0Utilsinstall.bat. The installation is done as administrator and works for all users of the host.
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