What's new

ROBIN Studio

  • Buttons for copying, cutting and pasting actions on the robot diagram have been added to the top panel of the studio. The hotkeys CTRL+C, CTRL+X, CTRL+V remain available as well.
  • Added scroll bars in the main window of the scheme builder as an alternative way to navigate the scheme.
  • Added scheme validation on deletion, you can no longer delete a scheme that is currently open.
  • Fixed a number of bugs that could cause the agent to require a restart.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Studio search window to close when switching language.
  • Improved the process of displaying logs in the Studio, which should fix rare cases of incorrect display of logs ("gluing", duplication).
  • Fixed behavior when .net and java icons were still displayed in the system tray after robot termination.
  • Improved the display of resources in the list in the Studio, now the names of web elements and their groups in the resource panel are updated immediately when saving.
  • Added the ability to filter actions by execution platform. The filter button is available to the right of the search bar in the actions list. When the filter is set:
  • Only actions of the selected implementation are displayed: java, Python, .Net
  • The actions are searched based on the selected implementation.
  • When using an action with the filter set, the default version in the selected language will be applied.

The ability to use a filter simplifies the search for a specific action (on a specific execution platform) and facilitates the creation of cross-platform robots.

ROBIN Studio Low-Code

  • Fixed a number of errors when publishing actions. Now the publishing process should complete without errors and no duplicate versions of the action appear.
  • Fixed a bug with exporting actions from Studio, now the process should work without errors.
  • Fixed a bug when switching between different actions in the editor that could cause the Studio to crash.

ROBIN Player

  • Fixed a bug when launching scheduled robots that could cause the robot to fail to launch if there were spaces in the computer account name.
  • Fixed a bug with robot history, where the player would freeze and the log would break when actions in the robot were performed quickly.
  • Added the "From whom" option to the mail sending settings, allowing you to specify the sender if you use a different login for authorization in mail.

"Excel" action group

  • Improved "Find text" action, fixed a bug in the latest version that caused the action to return the address of a neighboring cell instead of the one where the text was found.
  • Improved "Get Row number" action, fixed a bug when counting cells when a cell was merged with another column.
  • Added a new action "Rename sheet" that allows you to change the name of a specified sheet in the document.

"SAP" action group

  • Improved "Click" action, now the "RMB" click option calls the context menu of the element where the click was performed.
  • Improved the "Set table cell value" action, fixed a bug that sometimes caused the action to work incorrectly.

"Windows" action group

  • Added a new action "Get checkbox value" that allows you to determine the state of a checkbox if it is a specified item.
  • Added a new action "Set checkbox value" that allows you to set a checkbox to a specified state or simply change its current state.
  • Improved "Change language" action, now instead of cyclic switching of language, sets the selected language, the change is relevant for correct operation of the action when more than 3 languages are installed in the system.

"Word" action group

  • Improved " Get table" action, corrected an error when taking a table with merged cells, corrected the correspondence of cells and table titles.

"Text recognition" action group

  • A new subgroup "Image processing" has been added. It includes actions that allow you to perform image preprocessing to improve the quality of text recognition.
  • A new action "Change brightness and contrast" has been added, which allows you to change the brightness and contrast of an image and save the new image in the same or another file.

"Text" action group

  • Improved "Replace matches" action, fixed a bug that made it impossible to use regular expression metacharacters in text search, such as * ? +, etc.

"Browsers" action group

  • WebSpy has been improved.
  • Fixed a number of problems when working with Internet Explorer, now there is no need to install net framework 4.8 devPack to install the plugin. To install the plugin it is enough to launch the script "InstallExtensionForIE.bat" from the folder /Utils with administrator privileges.
  • Accelerated the process of launching the spy.
  • Fixed a bug in the recorder that recorded an unnecessary "Go to url" action after opening the browser.
  • After closing the browser, the recorder panel reverts back to its original state, no longer showing the "Stop" and "Pause" buttons when recording is finished.
  • Fixed a bug that caused recorder action recording to not work after opening a second robot in the Studio.
  • Added an error message if Internet Explorer is set to protected view mode. In this case, the spy cannot capture items in the browser.
  • Added a new action "Connect to an open browser" that allows to use a previously opened window rather than a new session to work actions with the browser. The action can work with Yandex Browser and Google Chrome.


For the action to work correctly, the browser must be launched with the "-remote-debugging-port=9222" argument. To do this, it is recommended to create a browser shortcut and write "-remote-debugging-port=9222" in its launch properties.

"Simulate system" action group

  • Improved "Text input" action, now the action returns the original language after input, and the state of Caps Lock key does not affect the case.
  • Improved "Key press" action, added "Keyboard language" parameter with drop-down list, allows to choose in which layout the hotkey will be pressed, for example "b" or "и". Now supports English and Russian layout, the used layout should be set in the language settings.

"XML" action group

  • The "Get table" action has been improved, new parameters "With header" and "Remove header duplicates" have been added, allowing to save the table header as a header or the first row of the table and to add indexes to columns with the same names.

"Integrations" action group

  • The "Send request" action from the REST subgroup has been finalized. When using the data specified in the "Form parameters" parameter, now the result is similar as if you run the query from Postman.

"Office" action group

  • Improved the "Add sheet" action from the "Spreadsheets" subgroup, now if you use forbidden characters or reserved words, the sheet will not be created and an error will be received (more information about invalid names: Rename sheet).
  • Improved the "Save as" action from the "Spreadsheets" subgroup, changed the name to "Save", old versions of the "Save" action are considered deprecated.
  • Improved the "Delete text" action from the "Text document" subgroup, changed the behavior when trying to delete text missing in the document, now an error will occur in the action.

"Processes" action group

  • The "Execute command" action has been improved; the error that caused successive launches of the action to save the result of previous commands has been fixed.

"File system" action group

  • Improved "Find file" action in python version, fixed a problem with the result format, now correctly returns a collection of file paths instead of file names.
  • Improved "Find folder" action in python version, fixed a problem with the result format, now a collection of folder paths is correctly returned instead of folder names.

"Robot management" action group

  • Improved the "Start robot" action:
    • Fixed a bug where the launched robot would terminate before the robot that launched it.
    • Fixed a bug that could cause the robot launch to fail when set to "For all users".
    • Added waiting for the robot to launch, now the action will only successfully complete after the robot being launched starts executing.
    • Improved the "Get a list of running robots" action:
      • Fixed bug when launching an action from a group.
      • Fixed the format for saving the launch time.
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