What's new

ROBIN Studio

  • Fixed a bug on OS with foreign localization when launching java actions.
  • Fixed a bug where the debug panel would not return to the default state for some launch errors. robot, now if the robot failed to launch an outdated version of the robot (without filled in specification), debugging stops, the panel becomes grayed out.
  • Updated the version of python used.
  • Updated version of Tesseract OCR. Improved the quality of text recognition.
  • Fixed a bug that could occur when passing action results and variables to python from actions in other languages.
  • Component logs are now easier to find. Added a LOG button in the top panel of the Studio with a drop-down list of platform components, clicking on the corresponding item will open a new explorer window with the location of the log files of that component.
  • The display delay for error and warning pop-up notifications has been increased, now pop-up messages are displayed for 30s.

Robin Studio Low-Code

  • Added a button to the action editing form that allows you to close the action development mode and return to the standard studio mode. standard mode of the studio. Previously, this button was available only when viewing the list of action projects.
  • Fixed an error when after compiling code that contained errors and fixing these errors, the recompilation could fail and the code could be re-compiled. compilation could fail and not work until the action project was reopened.
  • Improved the ability to autocomplete code, now when adding dlls to a project, their classes, properties and methods are also are now available for autocompletion.
  • Fixed a problem with publishing actions in the "For all" version of the installation, now publishing, exporting and importing actions in Studio works without requesting actions. import of actions in the Studio work without requesting administrator rights.

ROBIN Player

  • Fixed "Use SSL/TLS" switch in mail sending settings, now when the switch is inactive, SSL is not really used.
  • Fixed robot logs with invalid characters in their names, now invalid characters are replaced with underscores in the name of the log folder, logs in the history are displayed.

"Excel" action group

  • Improved "Get visible row numbers" action, fixed an error that caused all row numbers to be returned without filtering.
  • Improved "Save" action, fixed an error that when saving to a new document, the sheets added by the action were saved in the original document as well.
  • Improved "Clear area" action, fixed an error when specifying the area below the filled table, the bottom row of the table was cleared.
  • The "Set range color" action has been improved; the error that made it impossible to set brown color when selecting it in the "Color" parameter has been fixed.

"SAP" action group

  • The work of SapSpy has been improved.
  • Items with which there were problems earlier are now detected.
  • When searching for these items, now these items are correctly selected, not the panel containing them.
  • Improved the "Select items on the screen" action, now similar to the changes in SapSpy, can select individual items that were previously selected only together with the panel on which they are located.

"Windows" action group

  • In Win Spy added the ability to use wildcards and regular expressions when specifying item properties. properties of an item. When trying to find an item, winSpy will highlight items that match the selected set of properties, taking into account wildcards and regular expressions.

If the window name or item properties in the spy item properties are populated using wildcard characters or regular expressions, actions will search for the element and window in priority:

  1. using wildcard characters.
  2. using a regular expression.
  • Window actions, when wildcard or regular expression characters are specified in the window name use them in the same priority as other actions in the Windows group.
  • The item search algorithm in actions and spy has been improved; a number of items that were previously captured by spy but could not be found by actions, are now found correctly.

"Outlook" action group

  • Improved "Reply" action, added "Email subject" parameter that allows to change the subject of an email when replying to it, if not filled in - the original subject will be used.

"Browsers" action group

  • Improved actions that use web elements, corrected work when using JavaScript locator selected in the properties of web elements, now when specifying a script with the help of which the element is located on the page, actions correctly interact with such elements.
  • Added a new action "Wait for file download", which allows downloading a file using a link from the element and saving it to the specified path with the specified name and extension. The action may fail if the element does not contain a link to download the element, but only triggers the script that starts the download.

"Simulate system" action group

  • Improved "Enter text" action, fixed a bug where the action could hang when trying to enter text into a modal (popup/dialog) window when switching language, now it should switch language without problems and enter the string completely.

"Vision" action group

  • The "Find text on the screen" action has been improved:
  • The stability of the action has been increased.
  • Fixed a bug when using the Search mode - By string match parameter, now it should work correctly with different applications opened in both full-screen and windowed modes.
  • Added "Area" parameter that allows you to specify some area where you want to search for text instead of using the whole screen. The coordinates will be obtained relative to the screen, not the specified area.
  • Added a new action "Click on image", which allows you to find an image on the screen and click in its center or with a shift, for cases when there are several images, provides the parameter "Order", allowing you to specify which of the images to use for clicking.
  • A new action "Extract data to table" has been added, which allows you to get data in the form of a table from a document with ordered records, for example, a cashier's check.

When recognizing text, the same mechanism is used as in text recognition actions with tesseract and the result is similar. This is a version of the action with basic functionality and a number of improvements and enhancements are planned for future releases.

"Google services" action group

  • The "Insert table" action has been improved. Now the action is not executed without mandatory filled in parameters.
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