ROBIN Studio


  • Added ability to search for actions in the scheme by variables used, resources, results (added "Resources" tab to the "Search" tab).
    • Expanded undo and redo options for the following operations in the Studio:

  • Moving actions in the scheme.
  • Deleting/adding actions.
  • Creating/deleting variables, win/web elements.
  • Changing action parameters.
  • Renaming actions.
  • Grouping/Ungrouping actions.
  • Changing action version.

  • Added the ability to view a screenshot of the win/web element the robot is working with from the robot scheme.
  • Localized the window for viewing properties of win- and web-elements.
  • Added the ability to view the list of resources (variables, elements) that are not used in the robo
  • Added possibility of mass deletion of resources (all resources displayed in the list with filtering).
  • When editing a resource file, added a check for the existence of the same file in the robot's resources.
  • ДAdded handling of an error that occurred when opening an action code in the built-in code editor. The "Error loading project file" error occurred when adding a non-valid package in the package source.
  • Added element tree scrolling to the win-spy window if the built tree does not fit in the window.
  • Restored functionality of updating browser drivers from the studio menu. Now the functionality of downloading browser drivers from the studio menu can be used to get chromedriver 115+ drivers


  • Speeded up opening of the "Robot startup options" window.
  • Fixed a bug with duplicate Id of action results that occurred when copying actions.
  • Fixed bug that when renaming win/web resources, they did not change their name immediately.
  • Fixed an issue with abnormal studio termination when clicking on an empty space in the Error List tab.
  • Fixed fast loading issues in the action properties panel, including a problem with displaying the parameters of the "Send request" action (REST group).
  • Fixed incorrect numbering of actions recorded by the web-recorder.
  • Stabilized studio operation when copying and pasting actions, as well as when working with the "Undo" and "Redo" functionality.
  • Fixed a bug that made it impossible to work (launch or save) other projects, even those already open in the Studio, when trying to open a corrupted robot project.
  • Restored the ability to autoscroll logs during robot execution. Autoscroll of logs in the studio may occur unevenly, as the number of logs increases, the update step increases.



  • Added pulling up information about running robots after restarting the player, now when restarting the player while a robot is running, it will display information about that robot.
  • Removed automatic switching to the "Running" tab when a robot is launched from the player.
  • ROBIN Agent has been updated to .NET 6.0 SDK.
  • Optimized default log size.
  • Improved interaction with hotkeys, now all actions using hotkeys correctly press any combinations with alphanumeric keys and function keys Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Win, Tab, Esc, Enter, Backspace.


  • Fixed a bug that could occur if an exception occurs in a python action.
  • Fixed a bug when running the agent in "For all" on win7x32.

ROBIN Robot for Linux

  • Improved "Start robot" action for correct operation on Linux systems.
  • Extended logging of file system accesses

“Base Actions” action group

  • New actions added:
    • "Encode to Base64", allowing you to encode data in Base64.
    • "Decode from Base64", allowing you to decode a string from Base64 to a file.
  • The "Convert data" action has been improved. Now the action works correctly with fractional numbers.

“Office” action group

  • Improved actions from the Office documents subgroup, corrected the name of parameters:
    • Add image.
    • Replace image.

“Processes” action group

  • New actions added:
    • "Connect to Linux terminal", which allows you to create an instance of a Linux terminal session.
    • "Execute a command in a Linux terminal", allowing you to execute the specified command in a Linux terminal.

“PowerPoint” action group

  • New actions added:
    • "Replace text", allowing you to find and replace specified text in a PowerPoint document.
    • "Run macro", which allows you to run the specified macro in a PowerPoint document.
    • "Move slide", which allows you to move the PowerPoint document slide to the specified position.
    • "Set slide layout", allowing you to set the specified layout to a PowerPoint document slide.

“Word” action group

  • New actions added:
    • "Run macro", which allows you to run the specified macro in a Word document.
    • "Run external macro", which allows you to run in a Word document a macro whose VBA code is specified in a separate text file.
  • The "Open" action has been improved to work correctly with files attached to the robot as resources.

“Windows” action group

  • Refined actions interacting with win elements, improved handling of the situation when the application does not respond, no more errors should occur before the timeout expires.

“Dialogs”action group

  • Improved the "Data entry form" action, now the action has a logical result that accepts the values:
    • "True" if the "Ok" button was clicked in the form
    • Otherwise, the result is "False".
  • Accelerated execution of the "Data input form" action.

“Mail” action group

  • Improved .net version of "Get Message" action, added handling of a rare error that resulted in failure to read the message body, now works with such emails.

 “Excel” action group

  • Improved "Paste column" and "Set column values" actions, now the actions will succeed if there are empty cells in the values.

“Tables” action group

  • Improved .net version of "Save table to CSV" action, now the action does not duplicate quotes existing in the table.

”Machine Vision” action group

  • Improved "Find text on screen" action, now the action works more stable with Russian-English text and at screen scale other than 100%.
  • Improved "Read barcode from PDF" action, fixed problems with automatic barcode type detection.
  • Improved "Wait for Appearance" action, added detailed input parameters for more accurate operation of the action. New parameters:
    • Screenshot interval.
    • Comparison Algorithm.
    • Make the image black and white.
    • Search image edges.
    • Min. edge search boundary.
    • Max. edge search boundary.
    • Min. resize image.
    • Max. resize the image.

“Device Simulation” action group

  • Improved "Key Press" action, added possibility to specify several keys to be pressed sequentially.

“Browsers” action group 

  • Improved "Send hotkeys" action, added possibility to specify several keys to be pressed sequentially.
  • Improved "Execute script" action to work correctly with the received numeric result.
  • Added latest drivers for Chrome browser.

“OS” action group

  • Added "Get computer information" action to get information about the computer on which the robot is running.

“Outlook” action group

  • Improved "Reply" and "Send" actions, added "From whom" parameter, in which you can specify the mail address from which the message will be sent.

“PDF” action group

  • Improved actions:
    • "Image to PDF", now conversion is faster.
    • "Save as image", now the action can save the image of the pdf page in most cases, for some cases that caused problems before, dpi=300 will be used.

“File system” action group

  • Improved actions "Create file", "Copy file", "Move file", changed the mechanism of checking the possibility of access to the directory and the presence of duplicate files, the action should no longer be blocked by antiviruses.
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