Robot queue

When you attempt to launch a robot (by any method), the system can send that launch to the robot queue.   

Robot queue is a list of failed robot launches (failed to start or aborted due to an error) that the system will automatically try again in the order the launches appear in this list.

The number of launches is not equal to the number of robots. You can launch the same robot more than once and it will be different launches.

The reasons why a robot launch was sent to the robot queue are available in the section.

The interface of the Robot queue section is available in the Orchestrator section:

Robot queue table description

The table contains a list of robots that are not currently running.

The table displays: 

  • Name and version of the robot, and the need for a graphics session for operation
  • Time when an unlaunched robot was added to the robot queue
  • Method of launching the robot
  • Initiator of the launch
  • Host on whose account the robot is launched
  • Account on which the robot is started
  • Number of attempts to launch the robot

Table columns and buttons description

Column/button name


"Robot" column
  • Robot name
  • Robot version
  • Indicator that shows whether the host account needs a GUI for the robot to work. If  is displayed , it means that the GUI is required, if  - it is not required
"Added to queue" columnThe date on which the robot was added to the queue
"Launch condition" column

Specifies the robot's launch option

Possible values:

  • "Manual launch" - the robot was launched by the user. The column next to the phrase also displays the name of the application through which the robot was launched: "Robin Studio", "Robin Player" or "Orchestrator"
  • "Launch condition (Resource queue)" - the robot was started by a condition based on the resource queue.
  • "Launch Condition (Schedule)" - the robot was started by a condition based on a schedule (configured via Orchestrator, not Player).
  • "Process" - the robot was launched as part of a digital employee's workflow execution.
  • "Robot" - the robot was started by another robot.

"Initiator" column

A variant of the initiator record. Depends on how the robot is launched

Possible values:

  • "Manual launch" - the name of the user who launched the robot is displayed
  • "Launch condition (Schedule)" - displays the name of the launch condition. This name is a link (button), which can be used to go to the card of this launch condition (opened in read mode). If you click on the "Return" button in the card, the "Launch history" tab in the account card returns. If the launch condition is not found in the current tenant or is unavailable to the user, its name remains as a link, but nothing opens when clicked, a warning appears:
    "Error while working with launch condition. No launch condition found"
  • "Launch condition (Resource queue)" - displays the name of the launch condition. This name is a link (button) to the card of this launch condition (opens in read mode). The name of the condition is a link to its card, which is opened in the "read only" mode. If you click on the "Return" button in the card, the "Launch history" tab in the account card returns. If the launch condition is not found in the current tenant or is unavailable to the user, its name remains as a link, but nothing opens when clicked, a warning appears:
    "Error while working with launch condition. No launch condition found"
  • "Process" - the name of the workflow within which the robot was launched is displayed
  • "Robot" - displays the name and version of the robot that launched the robot in question. Also displayed is an indicator that indicates whether the host account needs a GUI for the robot to work. If is displayed , it means that the GUI is required, if - it is not required

"Host" columnThe name and IP address of the host on whose account the robot is running
"Account" columnThe account of the host on which the robot is running

"Attempts" column

Number of attempts to launch the robot

Button image-2024-5-29_12-44-37.png

By clicking on it, the records in the table are updated

Parameters affecting the operation of the robot queue

Parameters affecting the operation of the robot queueParameter names and designationsWhere installed
Robot queue parameters

Current number of restart attempts made = r

Waiting time between restarts = t

Both parameters are configured in the system configuration file

Limit of launches in progress

Set in the system configuration file when the system is deployed. The parameter is common for all hosts, i.e. you cannot set different limits for different hosts. In this case, workflows (robot projects) launched via ROBIN Studio are not counted in the total number of current launches

Maximum number of restarts. Some launches may be queued indefinitely, for example if there is a problem with the robot itself and it needs to be modified via ROBIN Studio. To prevent the queue from becoming clogged with such launches, once a launch has been queued, the system will attempt to re-run it only a set number of times

When the number of attempts is equal to the number set in the configuration file, the system deletes the launch from the queue and does not monitor it any further

Set in the configuration file

Timeout. This is the amount of time that must elapse from the time a launch is queued (the first time or on a failed restart attempt) before the system will attempt to execute that launch again

Example of how this parameter works:

  1. The robot fell into an error and the system sends this launch to the queue
  2. An event occurs in which the system repeats launches in the queue
  3. Since the launch was sent to the queue, the time equal to the value in the configuration file has not yet elapsed. Therefore, the system skips this launch and leaves it in the queue.
  4. The number of restarts performed for this launch remains unchanged
  5. After some time, the event triggering the queue check occurs again
  6. The time equal to the value from the configuration file has already passed since the launch was added to the queue. This time the system does not miss this launch and tries to start its execution
  7. Regardless of the result (whether the launch succeeded or failed), the number of restarts for this launch is increased by 1

Set in the configuration file
Parameters of launch conditions based on resource queue

Number of resources for the first launch = N

Number of robot instances = D

Number of resources for additional launches = M

Number of robot instances to be executed at this moment given the current number of queue resources = L

Current number of robot instances to be executed = n

All parameters except L and n are configured in the launch condition card

Adding a launch to the queue

Events in which the system attempts to retry launches that have been queued:

  • A robot in progress has finished its work, i.e. one of the host accounts has made room for another launch
  • Credentials have been added or updated to the host account card
  • One of the host accounts has become active, and the number of launches running on it is not greater than the set launch limit

Reasons why a robot launch will be sent to the queue

The robot launch will be sent to the queue if it fails to launch, depending on the launch conditions:

Launch typeReason for sending robot to queue
Manual launch of the robot "Robots" page
  • The system checks to see if there is another launch in the robot queue that should also occur at the selected account:
    • If there is a launch, the system adds the current launch to the queue ("Robots" page), closes the "Launch robot" window, and displays a warning: 

      Robot launch has been added to the robot queue. The account is busy

  • The system checks whether a Ui-robot (the same or any other) is currently running on the selected account. If it is running, the system adds the current launch to the queue ("Robots" page), closes the "Launch robot" window and displays a warning:

    A robot launch has been added to the robot queue. A UI-robot is already running on the account, you cannot launch more than one UI-robot

  • The system compares the number of current launches of robots on the selected account with the allowed limit. The total number of current launches does not include launches of child robots and launches from the Studio. If the number of current launches is equal to the limit, the system adds the current launch to the queue ("Robots" page), closes the "Robot launch" window and displays a warning:

    A robot launch has been added to the robot queue. The account is busy

  • If the RDP option in the system configuration file is set to False (Robot requires a GUI session). the system adds the current launch to the robot queue ("Robots" page), closes the "Robot launch" window, and displays a warning:
    • if the system launches RDP because the account is inactive:

      A robot launch has been added to the robot queue. The account is inactive, activation of RDP session is prohibited

    • if the system launches RDP because a GUI session is inactive on the account:

      A robot launch has been added to the robot queue. GUI session is inactive on the account, RDP session activation is prohibited

  • If no credentials are specified from the account card (Robot requires a GUI session). The system adds the current launch to the robot queue ("Robots" page) and displays a warning:
    • if the system launches RDP because the account is inactive:

      A robot launch has been added to the robot queue. The account is inactive and its card does not contain login and password for launching an RDP session

    • if the system launches RDP because a GUI session is inactive on the account:

      A robot launch has been added to the robot queue. Graphical session is inactive on the account, and its card does not contain login and password for launching an RDP session

Launch conditions based on resource queue
  • The system checks if there are accounts in the group of hosts specified in the launch condition. If there are no suitable accounts, the system adds the current launch to the queue ("Robots" page)
  • If a robot is launched with , but a robot with the same mark is also running on the selected account, the launch in question will be sent to the queue

Robot launch for the ROBIN Process workflow

  1. The system checks if there is another launch in the robots queue for which an account must also be automatically selected. If there is a launch, the system adds the current launch to the queue ("Robots" page) and ends the script at this step.
  2. If the RDP operation parameter (Robot requires a GUI session) specified in the system configuration file = False, the system adds the current launch to the queue.
  3. The system selects any inactive account that has credentials in its card and the number of current launches is less than the limit (specified in the system configuration file); it does not consider accounts that have already attempted a current launch:

    1. If not, the system adds the current launch to the queue. The script terminates at this step.
Robot terminated due to an error "Running robots" section

An error occurred while executing a running robot

The runtime system installed on the selected host account failed to start launching (at this point, all of the above checks have already passed successfully and are not preventing launch)

An RDP session should be raised for the selected account, but the system failed to raise it. Accordingly, the launch cannot be started and is sent to the queue

If the robot completed successfully or was stopped by the user, the system does not add such a launch to the queue.

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