Option description

A typical ROBIN Orchestrator installation involves deploying the required services on two servers. Such an installation will be sufficient for stable operation of the platform components in the absence of specific requirements of information security services to fault tolerance and redundancy. If such requirements exist, we recommend to consider the Cluster installation option

The installation is performed from the distribution kit using the instructions (included with the distribution kit) and automated Ansible scripts.

The diagram shows the placement of components and their interaction flows:

Network accesses 

For correct functioning of the system components, network communication between them must be allowed and the list of the following ports must be open.
In case of network remoteness of the operation loop from the orchestrator server, it is necessary to ensure that the orchestrator is available on the ports listed below (if network access restriction systems are used).

Server 1• tcp/22 – sshNecessary for the initial setup of the platform
• tcp/10990 – Java Wildfly App – ApplicationObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/9443 - Java Wildfly App – ApplicationObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/5671 – AMQPS -RabbitMQ – Message queueObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/80, 443 HTTP/HTTPS – ApplicationObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/15671 – RabbitMQ – Message queueNecessary for the initial setup of the platform
• tcp/5044 - LogstashObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/5601 - KibanaObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/9200 - ElasticsearchObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/8443 HTTPS – ApplicationObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/8081,8441 – Nexus – Package managerObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/5432Obligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/22 – sshNecessary for the initial setup of the platform
• tcp/80, 443 HTTP/HTTPS – ApplicationObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/8443 HTTPS – ApplicationObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/9443 - Java Wildfly App – ApplicationObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/5671 – AMQPS -RabbitMQ – Message queueObligatory during the operational phase
• tcp/5044 – Logstash - LogsObligatory during the operational phase
Client hosts• 3389 - rdpObligatory for the operation of ROBIN RDP Manager

Minimum hardware and software requirements

Minimum hardware requirements:



Minimum requirements


Server 1

Server 2

Number of CPU threads (vCPU - core thread)

4 vCPU

4 vCPU

Amount of RAM

20 Gb

8 Gb

Disk subsystem capacity (HDD)

200 Gb

20 Gb

Minimum program requirements:



Server 1











Debian 10, Astra Linux SE 1.7, RedOS 7.3 and others by agreement

Nginx 11 and higher

Nexus 3.32.0 and higher

PostgreSQL 10 x86_64 and higher

WildFly 26.1.3 final and higher

Java bellsoft-jdk17.0.7

KeyCloack 21.1.1
(The directory server must be deployed on Windows Server 2008 or higher for the enterprise AD integration to work properly)

RabbitMQ ver. 3.8.2

Logstash ver. 7.15

Kibana ver. 7.15

Elasticsearch ver. 7.15

Server 2


Debian 10, Astra Linux SE 1.7, RedOS 7.3 and others by agreement

Haproxy 2.1.3 and higher

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