There is a possibility to create variables when creating a script in Robin Studio. Open the "Resources" tab and switch to the "Variables" section to create variables.

The available variable types are described below:

  1. Hot keys

    Data Type: Hot keys

    Variable Description: This variable is used to record pressing of any keyboard key or key combination.

    Default Value (at creation): Not applicable

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "Hot keys" type and specify it in the "Wait for Hot keys Press" action.


    Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    To specify a key value, click the button in the "Value" field.

    Next, a window will open where you need to press the required hotkeys and click the "Save" button. If you need to remove the specified keys, you can click the cross button.

    After that, you need to specify the created variable in the "Wait press hot keys" action parameter.

  2. Date-Time

    Data Type: Date-Time

    Variable Description: This variable is used to store the date and time in the format dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.

    Default Value: 

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "Date-Time" type and specify it in the "Modify Date" action.

    Solution: Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    When creating the variable, the "Value" parameter is filled by selecting the date and time from the open window.

    Specify this variable in the "Date" parameter of the "Modify Date" action.

    When deleting the date and time value in the action parameter, an empty field will be displayed (the default date will not be shown).

  3. Collection

    Data Type: Collection

    Variable Description: This variable is used to store a set of values of one or several types. A collection can also be an element of another collection.

    Default Value (at creation): Number of Entries = 0

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "Collections" type and specify it in the "Add element" action.

    Solution: Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    When creating a collection, you can choose the type for each of its values.

    Specify the created variable in the "Collections" parameter of the "Add element" action.

  4. Point coordinates

    Data Type: Point coordinates

    Variable Description: This variable type contains the X and Y coordinates of a point on the screen.

    Default Value (at creation): (0,0)

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "Point coordinates" type and specify it in the "Mouse click" action.

    Solution: Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    You can create a variable and fill in the X and Y coordinate values manually or automatically by pressing the "PickArea" button in the window that opens

    Specify the created variable in the "Mouse click" action parameter.

  5. Boolean

    Data Type: Boolean

    Variable Description: 

    A variable of this type contains True or False values. A filled checkbox means that the variable will contain the True value, otherwise the variable will take the False value.

    Default Value (on creation): False

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "Boolean" type and specify it in the "If" action.

    Solution: Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    Specify the created variable in the "If" action parameter.

  6. Range

    Data Type: Range

    Variable Description: Variable of this type contains values of size and coordinates of the rectangular area.

    Default Value (on creation):

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "Range" type and specify it in the "Modify range" action.

    Solution: Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    When creating a variable of this type, you need to specify the following parameters:

    • X coordinate of the upper-left corner
    • Y coordinate of the upper-left corner
    • Height
    • Width

    The coordinates, width, and height can be filled manually or automatically by clicking the "PickArea" button.

    Specify the created variable in the "Modify Range" action parameter.

  7. Object

    Data Type: Object

    Variable Description: A variable of this type can contain values of any type. You can choose any type of data to be written to the variable when you create the variable and set the value. You can store the result of an action of another type into a variable of the Object type.

    Default Value (on creation): Not applicable

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "Object" type and specify it in the "Add Object" action.

    Solution: Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    Click the button in the "Value" field and specify the value and type in the open window.

    Specify the created variable in the "Add pair" action parameter.

  8. Password

    Data Type: Password

    Variable Description: A variable of this type contains password information.

    Default Value (on creation): No password

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "Password" type and specify it in the "Send text" action ("Browsers" group).

    Solution: Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    After creating and saving the variable, its value cannot be viewed, and it is not displayed in the log. The value of a variable of this type is also not displayed during creation:

    Specify the created variable in the "Send text" action.

  9. Folder path

    Data Type: Folder path

    Variable Description: A variable of this type contains the path to a specific folder.

    Default Value (on creation): Not applicable

    Example of Use:


    Create a variable of the "Folder path" type and specify it in the "Rename Folder" action.


    Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    An example of using this variable:

    When you create a variable with the "Folder Path" data type the explorer window opens to select the folder whose path will be saved to the value of the variable.

    Specify the created variable in the "Rename folder" action.

  10. File path

    Data Type: File path

    Variable Description: A variable of this type contains the path to a file.

    Default Value (on creation): Not applicable

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "File path" type and specify it in the "Rename File" action.

    Solution: Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    When you create a variable with the "File Path" data type the explorer window opens to select the file whose path will be saved to the value of the variable.

    Specify the created variable in the "Rename file" action.

  11. Dictionary

    Data Type: Dictionary

    Variable Description: A variable of the "Dictionary" type is a data array which works with keys and values rather than indices, unlike a collection.

    Each value in the dictionary can be accessed by its key. The value can be any of the types available in the Studio.

    Default Value (on creation): Number of Entries = 0

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "Dictionary" type and specify it in the "Add Object" action.

    Solution: Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    When filling in the variable value, you can specify the key, value type, and the actual value in the popup window.

    Specify the created variable in the "Add object" action.

  12. String

    Data Type: String

    Variable Description: A variable of the "String" data type contains an arbitrary sequence of characters.

    Default Value (on creation): Not applicable

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the «String» type and specify it in the «Show message» action.

    Solution: Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    When creating a variable of the "String" data type, you can enter the required text in the popup window.

    Specify the created variable in the "Message" action.

  13. Table

    Data Type: Table

    Variable Description:

    A variable of this type is designed to store data in the form of a table.

    Default Value (on creation): Empty table

    Example of Use:

    Task: Create a variable of the "Table" type and specify it in the action parameter "Get message".


    Fill in the fields to create the variable.

    Specify the created variable in the action parameter "Get message".

  14. Number

Data Type: Number

Variable Description:

A variable of the "Numeric" data type stores numerical values.

Default Value (on creation): 0

Example of Use:

Task: Create a variable of the "Number" type and specify it in the action parameter "Addition".


Fill in the fields to create the variable.

Specify the created variable in the action parameters "Addition".

When clearing variable fields in actions by clicking on the cross button, the data in the fields will be cleared and will not be replaced by the default value. 

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