Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


  • Send text
  • Clear field
  • Get element coordinates
  • Get checkbox value
  • Get element text
  • Set list value
  • Window focus element
  • Activate window
  • Close window if exists
  • Maximize window
  • Close window that exists.

Vision action group

  • Fixed a bug with launching the Find text on Screen action.


  • Insert into position
  • Replace by pattern
  • Replace matches
  • Extract by template
  • Extract by position
  • Find entry
  • Reverse
  • Get length
  • Get random string
  • Check for null and void
  • Check for entry
  • Check for equality
  • Check start
  • Check ending
  • Check template match
  • Split
  • Join
  • Composite formatting
  • Delete from position
  • Trim
  • Delete matches
  • Classify text.

Base actions group

Added java implementations for the following actions to the Clipboard subgroup:

  • Copy text into clipboard
  • Get text from clipboard.

In the General subgroup, java implementations have been added for the following actions:

  • Assign a value
  • Change point coordinates
  • Convert data
  • Get area center coordinates
  • Take screenshot

Operators action group

  • Added java implementations for the following actions to the Arithmetic subgroup:
    • Addition
    • Division
    • Multiplication
    • Subtraction.
  • Added java implementations for the following actions to the Comparison subgroup:
    • Equal to
    • Greater than
    • Greater than or equal to
    • Less than
    • Less than or equal to.
  • Added java implementations for the following actions to the Logical subgroup:
    • Conjunction
    • Equivalence
    • Disjunction
    • Excluding disjunction.

Processes action group

Added python implementations for the following actions

  • Execute the command in the script
  • Run script command.

Orchestrator action group

  • In the "Finish element processing" action, fixed errors that occurred when specifying a timeout.
    The following exceptions have been added for actions of this group:
    • Failed to lock on read.
    • Failed to block for writing.
    • Failed to update an item.
    • Failed to retrieve the item.
    • Group not found.
    • Queue not found.
    • Incorrect blocking date.
    • Item not found.
    • Failed to disable read blocking.
    • Failed to disable write blocking.

SharePoint action group

The new action group is designed for working with files and folders on Microsoft SharePoint enterprise server. Available actions:
