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  1. Internal. It can be created through the platform interface in the "Tenant users" section. Credentials (login and password) of such a user, his/her full name, email, description, blocking can be changed only on the Robin side. To log in under an internal user, it is mandatory to enter login and password.
  2. External. This is a user that is created in your corporate Active Directory, but is also used to work in the Robin platform. The password from the account of such a user is stored and controlled only on the Active Directory side. His login, full name, mail are specified both in Active Directory and in the Robin database (to be able to work with these users), but you can change them only through Active Directory. Using an external user when working in the platform allows:
    • Log in to Robin without entering login and password, because you have already specified them when logging in to the PC/server under a domain account.
    • For the same employee, you can create and change the account manually only on the Active Directory side. The Robin database will automatically receive data about this user from Active Directory.

Configuring access to the platform modules or its objects for any users is done only through the Robin interface.


    • "Last name"
    • "First name" 
    • "Middle name"
    • "Position"
    • "Email"
    • "Login" - if the " Email" field is already filled in, the value from the "Email" field up to the @ symbol is automatically substituted into the field. This value can be changed if necessary. Login must not contain letters in uppercase and must be unique among other users of the platform.
    • "Role" - the user must be created with at least one role, but if necessary, several roles can be added at once.
    • "Group" - select the group to which the user will be added. If necessary, it can be added to several groups at once.
    • "Description".

2. Fill in all mandatory fields (and optional fields if necessary):


  1. In Active Directory, the administrator adds the desired domain user to the "robin_users" group. If the user does not exist yet, he creates it beforehand
  2. At specified intervals, the Robin system synchronizes with Active Directory. For all new users from the "robin_users" group, it creates corresponding external users in its database:
      • Full name, email and login is obtained from Active Directory. If no full name or email is specified, the external user will still be created. These parameters are optional for external users
      • If there is already an external or internal user with this login in the Robin database, this external user will not be added
      • since Since this is an automatic process, new external users will be added to the database, but not allocated to any tenant. After synchronization is complete, the administrator will have to add the new users to the correct tenant and configure the necessary accesses for them.


    • "User" - you can select only one or several users at once. The list will not include those users who have already been added to the current tenant.  Only users who have not yet been added to the current tenant will be displayed in the list. Users who were previously in the current tenant, but were removed from it, are also displayed in this list.
    • "Role" - when adding a user to the tenant, at least one role must be assigned to him.

2. Fill in all mandatory fields:


    • Follow the link from the email. This page will be opened:
    • Click the link on this page. This will open the page:
    • Fill the "New password" and "Confirm password" fields with the same values - the new password.
    • Click the "Confirm" button. If the values specified in the fields are the same, the system will update the user password and display the page:
