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Execution system logs are available at the path  AppData\Roaming\Robin Platform\2.0.0\Executor\Logs

 AWSAutomated workstation
Блок-схемаBlock diagramУпорядоченный алгоритм или процесс, выраженный в форме блоков, соединенных между собой линиями. Каждая блок-схема имеет начало и конец
Блок-схема Алгоритм или процесс, выраженный в форме блоков, соединенных между собой линиями. Каждая блок-схема имеет начало и конецГотовый робот
Robin-robotA robot, fully assembled and functioning properly. It has the extension.rpr (robin program robot), files with this extension are executable files
ContextA unique session identifier denoting a single instance of the launched application
ЛКМ LMBLeft mouse button
 B2B serviceCloud B2B service, providing an online platform for interaction between Companies - contractors for development, testing and operation of software robots
VariableAn attribute that can change its value during the robot's execution of the scheme. The initial value of the variable can be either empty or have some value (usually numeric)
 PCPersonal computer
ПКМ RMBRight mouse button
Платформа Robin Robin PlatformA set of software tools designed to automate routine operations performed by employees of various organizations and including Robin Studio, Robin Orchestrator, Robin Player, Robin Management Console.
ПО SoftwareSoftware
Проект роботаRobot-sourceRobot scheme assembled by the User in the workspace. It has the extension .rfs (robot file scheme). The files of this format can be opened in ROBIN Studio for viewing and/or further editing.
Рабочее пространство
Work spaceThe area in ROBIN Studio where actions are transferred to build the robot's scheme.
РесурсResourceInformation that is used by the robot scenario during execution.
Родительская папкаParent folderA folder that contains other folders inside it
FileAn external resource required in progress of some actions that can be stored inside the Software Robot
ФреймFrameA structure containing a description of an object in the form of attributes and their values
  1. Logging of moments when "large" operations are called: start/stop thread, user request, etc.
  2. Built-in debugger used for creating robot scripts, which implements logging of moments when "large" operations are called: start/stop flow, user request, etc.
RDPRDP Remote Desktop Protocol - a protocol for providing remote work with the server
RMC RMCRobin Management Console is a software application designed to control the execution of robot scenarios
Web Sockets Web SocketsA protocol that allows the creation of an interactive connection between a server and a client to exchange messages online. The connection is created on the network between the server and the client (browser)Web-рекордер
Web-recorderA tool for recording user actions in the browser
Web -шпионWeb SpyA tool that writes the XPath of a page component to a variable
Web-elementA resource that stores information about a unique element on a web page (text box/button/block of text)
Win-RecorderA tool that records user actions when working with desktop applications. It automatically creates necessary win elements in resources and adds corresponding actions to the flow
Win -шпионWin SpyA tool that allows you to define unique properties of an element of a desktop application
Win-elementA resource designed to record a unique identifier that defines a specific element in a Windows window (button, field, etc.)
XPathThe path to an element, defined by the ordering of elements within each other.A query language designed to organize access to parts of an XML document in XSLT transformation files
