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Schedules tab

The "Schedules" tab allows:

  • viewing the list of previously created conditions of launching by schedule
  • creating a new launch condition
  • switching to the card of a launch condition
  • deleting a launch condition
  • enabling or disabling a launch condition 
  • switching to the list of production calendars 

Description of the table of launch conditions

The "Schedules" tab provides a table with a list of all robot launch conditions that run on a schedule.


Use the Columns dropdown list to select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "Launch condition" column always displayed.

Карточка условия запуска
Карточка условия запуска
Launch condition card

Launch condition card description

Button name / field name


"Back" buttonClicking this button closes the launch condition card without saving the changes made
"Edit" button

This button is displayed only in the card of an already created condition when it is opened (read mode)

By clicking on the button, the card is switched to the editing mode:

  • The "Edit" button disappears
  • Fields become editable
  • The "Cancel" and "Save" buttons appear
"Launch condition name" field

Launch condition name

Duplicates in launch condition names are prohibited. The maximum number of characters allowed is 60

"Robot" field

If the robot is not yet selected, only the "Select" button is displayed in the field. If the robot is already selected, it displays:

  • robot name
  • robot version
  • an indicator showing whether the host account needs a graphical interface for the robot to work.
  • if is displayed , it means that the GUI is required, if - it is not required
  • "Select" button (in editing mode or when creating a new condition)

By clicking on the cross-shaped button, you can remove the selected robot

"Log level" field

A dropdown list that displays the possible logging level options for the workflow by level of importance that the robot will execute

Default value: "Business"


Available values:

  • Business
  • Robot developer
  • Debugging
  • Information
  • Warning
  • Error
  • No

More details on log levels can be found here: Log types

"Host" field

A dropdown list that displays the names and IP addresses of hosts for which there is data in the platform database. Only hosts to which you have configured access are displayed (for more information, see section Access control)

"Account" field

A dropdown list of accounts:

  • to which you have configured access
    that belong to the host specified in the "Machine" field

To be able to edit the current field, the host in the "Machine" field must be selected

"Launch time" field

If the launch time has not yet been configured, only the "Edit launch time" button is displayed in the field. If the launch time has already been configured, it is displayed:

  • "Edit launch time" button
  • Month(s), Day(s), Hours and minutes in which the robot will be launched
  • The time zone in which the launch will take place
  • The name of the production calendar that will be considered when calculating the nearest launch date. Also the type of days - working or non-working - on which the launch will take place. The calendar and day type are displayed only if the option to work with the calendar was selected when setting the launch time:

By clicking on the cross-shaped button, you can clear the selected launch time settings

"Choose" button

Clicking on the button opens the "Select robot" window. It is available only in edit mode. It is described in more detail below

"Edit robot input parameters" button

When you click on it, the "Edit robot input parameters" window opens. It is available only in edit mode. It is described in detail below

The button is displayed only if a robot that has input parameters is selected in the "Robot" field

"Edit launch time" button

When clicked, the "Launch time" window opens. It is available only in edit mode. Details are described below

"Create" button

This button is displayed in the card only when a new launch condition is created

A new launch condition is created by clicking on the button

"Save" button

This button is displayed in the card only when editing an already created launch condition.

Clicking on the button saves the changes made to the launch condition parameters and puts the card in read mode:

  • The "Edit" button returns
  • Fields become uneditable
  • The "Undo" and "Save" buttons disappear

"Cancel" button

This button is displayed in the card only when creating or editing an already created launch condition

Clicking on the button opens a window with confirmation of canceling the changes made:

Описание окна "Выбор робота"
Описание окна "Выбор робота"
"Select a robot" window description

If you click the "Select" button in the "Robot" field of the launch condition card, the "Select a robot" window will open.


  1. Click on the row with the desired robot version in the table.
  2. Click the "Select" button.

Robot table description

The table in the window contains a list of ready robots that are published to the platform's remote storage. Only those robots to which you have configured access are displayed (more details in the Access Control section).


Use the "Columns" drop-down list to select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "Robot" and "Version" columns always displayed.

Настройка входных параметров робота
Настройка входных параметров робота
Configure robot input parameters

If the selected robot has input parameters, the "Edit input parameters" button will be displayed in the launch condition card. Clicking on this button will open the "Configure robot input parameters" window:


The presence of the warning does not prevent the robot from launching or displaying fields of type "String", "Number" and/or "Boolean".

"Configure robot input parameters" window description

Button name / field name


Robot name

The name of the robot that is selected in the launch condition card

Not editable

Type: String

If the robot has a variable with type "String" marked as an input parameter, the window will display fields for entering the value of this parameter:

The number of fields in the subsection is unlimited and depends on how many input variables with the type "String" have been created in the selected robot. The name of each such field is the name of the corresponding variable in the robot. Next to the field there is a hint about the parameter data type

Type: Number

If the robot has a variable with type "Number" marked as an input parameter, the window will display fields for entering the value of this parameter:

The number of fields in the subsection is unlimited and depends on how many input variables with type "Number" have been created in the selected robot. The name of each such field is the name of the corresponding variable in the robot. Next to the field there is a hint about the data type of the parameter

Type: Boolean

If the robot has a variable with type "Boolean" marked as an input parameter, the window will display fields for entering the value of this parameter:

The number of fields in the subsection is unlimited and depends on how many input variables with type "Boolean" have been created in the selected robot. The name of each such field is the name of the corresponding variable in the robot. Next to the field there is a hint about the parameter data type

"Save" buttonWhen you click on it, the values specified in the input parameter fields are saved and the window closes
"Cancel" buttonClicking this button will cancel the changes made and close the "Configure robot input parameters" window

Настройка времени запуска
Настройка времени запуска
Launch time setting

If you click on the "Edit launch time" button in the "Launch time" field in the launch condition card, the "Дaunch time" window will open:

In this window, you can configure how often the robot is launched.

"Launch time" setting window description

Button/field name


Launch time

A string specifying the month(s), day(s), and hours\minutes at which the robot will be launched. Orchestrator generates the string automatically based on a combination of the launch time parameters specified in the other fields of the window

"Timezone" field

A dropdown list showing the possible time zone options

The robot will be launched based on the selected time zone

"Start date" field

Field for entering the date and time when the launch condition as a whole will start to function

The required date/time value can be specified manually or by using the date and time selection form, which is opened by clicking on the calendar button:

"End date" checkbox

If the checkbox is enabled, a field is displayed below for entering the date and time at which the launch condition will stop working and will be automatically turned off:

The required date/time value can be specified manually or by using the date and time selection form, which is opened by clicking on the calendar button:

Checkbox "Use business calendar"

If the checkbox is enabled, the fields are displayed below:

When using a business calendar, Orchestrator will consider weekends and weekdays according to the specified calendar when calculating the nearest robot launch date

"Calendar" field

A dropdown list that displays the names of business calendars that have been added to Orchestrator. More information about calendars in the "Business calendars" subsection

The field is displayed only if the "Use business calendar" checkbox is activated

"Launch rule" field

A dropdown list that displays the options for using the business calendar:

  • Launch on weekdays only
    Launch on non-working days only

The field is displayed only if the "Use business calendar" checkbox is activated

Radiobutton "Every month"

The button is displayed only on the "Month" tab

If it is active, the robot will be launched every month, taking into account the other parameters of the launch time

"Specific months" radio button

The button is only displayed on the "Month" tab

If this radio button is activated, a field for selecting the month or months appears below:

The robot will only launch in the selected months, taking into account the other launch time parameters

"Everyday" radio button

The button is displayed only on the "Day" tab

If this button is active, the robot will be launched every day, taking into account the other parameters of the launch time

"Specific weekdays" radio button

The button is only displayed on the "Day" tab

If this radio button is activated, a field for selecting the day or days of the week appears below:

The robot will only launch on the selected days of the week, taking into account the other launch time parameters

"Specific month days" radio button

The button is only displayed on the "Day" tab

If this radio button is activated, a field for selecting the day number or days of the month appears below:

The robot will only launch on the selected days, taking into account the other launch time parameters

Radio button

The button is displayed only on the "Day" tab

If this radio button is activated, in the dropdown list (located in the name of the button itself) you can select on which "first day", first Monday, first Tuesday, etc. of the month the robot will be launched, taking into account the other parameters of the launch time:

Radio button

The button is displayed only on the "Day" tab

If this radio button is activated, in the dropdown list (located in the name of the button itself) you can select on which "last day", "last Monday", "last Tuesday", etc. of the month the robot will be launched, taking into account the other parameters of the launch time:

Radio button

The button is displayed only on the "Hours-minutes" tab

If this radio button is activated, in the dropdown list (located in the name of the button itself) you can select after how many hours the robot launch will be repeated, taking into account the other parameters of the launch time: "Every hour", "Every 2 hours", "Every 3 hours" etc.:

Radio button

The button is displayed only on the "Hours-minutes" tab

If this radio button is activated, you can select in the dropdown list (located in the name of the button itself) how many minutes the robot will be launched again, taking into account the other parameters of the launch time: "Every minute", "Every 30 minutes", "Every 40 minutes" etc.:

Radio button "At specific time of the day"

The button is displayed only on the "Hours-minutes" tab

If this radio button is activated, 2 dropdown lists are activated below, where you can select the exact time (hour and minute) when the robot will launch, taking into account the other launch time parameters:

"Save" button

When the button is clicked, the window is closed, the selected combination of parameters is saved and displayed in the "Launch time" field in the launch condition card

"Cancel" button

When you click on it, a window appears confirming that you want to cancel the changes you have made:

Creating a new launch condition

To create a new robot launch condition, follow the steps:


The card is described in the  "Launch condition card" subsection.

Viewing and changing the launch condition

To view and change a previously created launch condition, you need to:

  1. On the "Schedules" tab, select the necessary launch condition in the table and click on its name. The card of this launch condition will be opened in the reading mode:

  2. Click on the buttonif there is no need to make changes to the card. This will return to the "Schedules" tab in the "Launch conditions" section. If the launch condition card has been accessed via the host account card, clicking on , will take you back to the account card.
  3. Click on the "Edit" button if you want to make changes to the parameters of the launch condition. The card will be switched to the edit mode:
  4. Make the necessary adjustments.
  5. Click the "Save" button to save the changes made. Or click the "Cancel" button if you decide not to save the changes. The card will be switched back to the reading mode.

Производственные календари
Производственные календари
Business calendars 

When setting the launch condition (scheduled), you can use business calendars, so that the robots are launched only on working days or only on non-working days.


  1. Go to the "Launch conditions" section, to the "Schedules" tab.
  2. Click on the "Customize business calendars" button. A page with calendars will be opened, where you can:
    • viewing the list of previously created calendars
    • creating a new calendar
    • calendar deletion

Calendars table description

The table contains a list of previously added calendars.


You can use the "Columns" dropdown list to select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "Calendar" column always displayed.

Creating a business calendar

Example of a business calendar:
