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In the section available:

зачем нужны очереди ресурсов
зачем нужны очереди ресурсов
Resource queues are needed to store data and access it sequentially. 


  • Values. This is data of various types (string, number, collection, folder path, etc.)
  • Parameters. Parameters of a resource are its additional properties required when searching and working with resources. More information about parameters: "Resource queue card"

A resource queue can work with:

  • User - through the Orchestrator interface
  • Program robot using actions that can add new resources to the queue, delete old ones, get and change their value and parameters. These are actions from the "Orchestrator" group, "Resource queues" subgroup:
    • Create resource
    • Modify a resource
    • Get resource collection
    • Get resource by ID
    • Get a resource by condition
    • Unlock a resource
    • Delete resource
    • Terminate resource processing

Очереди ресурсов
Очереди ресурсов
Resource queues

Resource queues table description

A table with previously created resource queues. 


Use the "Columns" dropdown list to select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "Resource queue" column always displayed.

Создание очереди ресурсов
Создание очереди ресурсов
Creating a resource queue

To create a new resource queue, you need to:

  1. Click the "Create resource queue" button in the "Resource queues" section. The "Create resource queue" window opens
  2. Enter the name of the new queue in the "Resource queue name" field. The name must be unique.

  3. Click on the "Create" button to confirm your choice. Or click on the "Cancel" button if you decide not to create it.

  4. When you click on "Create", the window will be closed and the new resource queue will be added to the table.

Карточка очереди ресурсов
Карточка очереди ресурсов
Resource queue card

In the "Resource queue" card available:

Queue resource table description

The table contains a list of queue resources with their parameters.

Column/button name


"ID" columnA unique identifier that the system assigns to each queue resource when it is created
"Status" column

Shows the status of the resource


Each resource can have 1 of 4 statuses:

  • New
  • In progress
  • Processed
  • Error

Details about statuses are described below

"Attempts to process" column

Number of remaining attempts to process the resource

For more information about processing attempts, see below

"Tags" column

Words or phrases that additionally describe the resource (mostly needed when a robot searches for the resource)

If there are too many tags, only some of them are displayed. All others are visible only by clicking the button 

"Priority" column

Priority of resource processing relative to other resources in the queue

"Blockings" column

You can view what current blockings the resource has in place


There may be the following values:

  • If no value is specified, the resource is not blocked
  • If "Read only" is specified, the resource is blocked only for reading
  • If "Write" is specified, the resource is blocked for writing only.
  • If "Read" and "Write" are specified at the same time, the resource is blocked for both reading and writing. The resource has a combination of these blocking features

If a resource is blocked with the date when the blocking was lifted, there will be an icon next to the name of the corresponding blocking. If you hover over the icon, you can see the date and time when the blocking was lifted:

More about blocking is described below

"Author" column

Initiator of resource creation

Since currently only robots can create resources, the column will contain:

  • robot name
  • host name on which the robot was working when the resource was created
  • name of the account under which the robot was working
"Creation date" columnThe date and time the resource was created. Displayed based on the time zone of the user who is working with this interface
"Editor" column

The initiator of the last change to the resource. Both the robot and the user can modify the resource, so:

  1. If the initiator is a user, the user's full name is specified
  2. If the initiator is a robot, it is specified:
    • robot name
    • host name, on which the robot was working at the moment of resource creation
    • account name under which the robot was working
"Update date" columnThe date and time when the resource was last modified. Displayed based on the time zone of the user who is working with this interface

"Refresh" buttonimage-2024-5-29_12-44-37.png

By clicking on it, the records in the table are updated

"Edit resource parameters" button

By clicking on it, the "Resource parameters" window opens

Details of the window are described below

"Delete" button

When you click on it, a window appears confirming the deletion of the resource:

Use the "Columns" dropdown list to select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the "ID" column always displayed.

Условие запуска на основе очереди ресурсов
Условие запуска на основе очереди ресурсов
Launch condition based on resource queue

You can customize the launch of the robot so that it is activated depending on the availability of resources in the queue. To do this, you need to create a launch condition based on the resource queue. You can create such a launch condition:


For more information on creating, viewing and modifying such a launch condition, see section "Launch conditions".

Изменение параметров очереди ресурсов
Изменение параметров очереди ресурсов
Changing resource queue parameters

Currently, only the "number of attempts to process resources" parameter is available as a queue setting. This parameter limits the number of attempts to process the same resources if the robots constantly fall into an error when working with them. 



You cannot specify different maximum number of attempts for different resources. This is a common parameter for all resources in the queue. The remaining attempts are counted separately for each resource. For example, if the maximum value is 3, the robot failed to process the 1st resource twice and the 2nd resource once. As a result, the 1st resource will have the number of remaining attempts "1 out of 3" and the 2nd resource will have "2 out of 3".

If the maximum number of attempts is changed (downward or upward), the number of attempts remaining for all resources in the "New" or "In progress" status will be equal to the new maximum value.

Принципы работы и изменения статусов
Принципы работы и изменения статусов
Operating principles and status changes

Statuses are needed for:

  • Searching for resources by robots. For example, robots should only search for resources in the "New" status.
  • Determining the current progress of resource processing - how many resources have already been processed, how many are still in progress, how many are not yet in progress, which resources have had problems.
  • Preventing re-processing of the same resources. Robots will not be able to retrieve or modify resources that are already in "Processed" or "Error" status.
titleThe main features of setting and working of statuses:
  1. When you create a resource, it will automatically be assigned the status "New". Only robots can create resources at the moment.
  2. The "In progress" status is automatically set only when a robot reads (receives) or modifies a resource. If blockings were immediately set when creating a resource, it is not considered a resource modification operation, so the status will be "New" and not "In progress".
  3. The "In progress" status will not be set automatically when the resource is read or modified by the user.
  4. If the robot has read/modified the resource, but has completed its work without putting it into the "Processed" status, the resource will remain in the "In progress" status.
  5. If the resource is already in the "In progress" status, another robot can still access the resource to read/modify it.
  6. Robots will not be able to find resources in the queue that are in "Processed" status. Even the robot that set this status itself will not be able to find it.
  7. If the number of attempts to process a resource becomes equal to 0, the resource status changes automatically to "Error". Robots will not be able to find resources in the queue that are in the "Error" status.
  8. The user can change the resource status to any other status in any order. 

Принципы работы блокировок ресурса
Принципы работы блокировок ресурса
Resource blocking working principles

If robots have to process resources from the same queue, they will start taking the same resources without additional constraints. To prevent this from happening, you can use the resource blocking mechanism.


If a robot has blocked resources and has not unblocked them before it finishes its work, the system will automatically remove these blockings. Only blockings that have a specific date set for their removal will not be removed.

Setting a delayed blocking release date

In some situations, it may be necessary to remove blocking from resources not immediately after the robot finishes its work, but much later.


Both the robot and the user can set this unblocking date.

Изменение параметров ресурса
Изменение параметров ресурса
Changing resource parameters

To change the parameters of a resource, follow the steps:

  1. Click the "Change resource parameters" button in the row with the desired resource (in the resource table). The "Resource parameters" window opens:
  2. Make the necessary adjustments.
  3. Click on the "Save" button to confirm the changes made. Or click on the "Cancel" button if you decide not to apply the changes. 

"Resource parameters" window description

Button/field name


Resource IDUneditable string with the identifier of the resource whose parameters were opened

"Status" field

A dropdown list where you can change the status of the resource


Possible statuses:

  • New
  • In progress
  • Processed
  • Error

A user can change the status of a resource to any other status in any order

"Tags" field

Words or phrases that additionally describe the resource (mostly needed when a robot searches for the resource)

Each tag has a button in the form of a cross to delete it

A field for entering a new tag is added as soon as you click the button . The maximum number of characters allowed when entering a tag is 30

"Priority" field

Priority of resource processing relative to other resources in the queue

Valid values: integers from 0 and higher

"Lock for reading" checkbox

If the checkbox is enabled:

  • the resource will be blocked for reading
  • the field "Unblocking date for reading" is active for editing
  • the initiator of blocking is displayed on the right side

Details on how blocking works are described above

"Unblocking date for reading" field

A field for entering the date and time until which the resource will be blocked for reading

If the resource was blocked by the robot and the user changes or removes the date in this field, the user becomes the initiator of blocking the resource

The required date/time value can be specified manually or using the date and time selection form that opens by clicking the button

If the "Lock for reading" checkbox is disabled, this field is not editable

"Lock for writing" checkbox

If the checkbox is enabled:

  • the resource will be blocked for recording
  • field "Unblocking date for writing" is active for editing
  • the initiator of blocking is displayed on the right side of the field

Details on how blocking works are described above

"Unblocking date for writing" field

A field for entering the date and time until which the resource will be blocked for writing

If the resource was blocked by the robot and the user changes or removes the date in this field, the user becomes the initiator of blocking the resource

The required date/time value can be specified manually or by using the date and time selection form that opens by clicking the button .

If the "Lock to record" checkbox is off, this field is not editable.

"Save" buttonWhen the button is clicked, the window closes and all changes made are saved

"Cancel" button

When you click on it, a window appears confirming that you want to cancel the changes you have made:
