Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Result - collection of every nested element path. You can get the elements of the collection using the "Get value by index" action. 



PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
FolderPath to the directory, whose content should be returnedRobin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgYes
Objects typeNested elements, the paths to which will be included in the resulting collection. Default «All»Robin.String
Sort typeThe method by which the resulting value will be sorted. The default is to sort by name.Robin.String
Sorting orderThe way in which the resulting value will be ordered. The default is ascending order.Robin.String
Hidden filesIf set to «true», hidden files will also be displayed in the result.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Use recursionIf the value of the boolean variable = true, all paths to attachments in the selected folder and each subfolder in it will be read. If the value of the boolean variable = false, the paths to attachments only in the selected folder will be readRobin.BooleantrueNo
ResultList of every nested element pathRobin.Collection
