Сравнение версий


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  • Эта строка удалена.
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Context - mail server connection context.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
Server TypeSelecting the type of mail server. To send mail: eSMTP. To receive mail: eIMAP, ePOP3. Dropdown list: eSMTP, eIMAP, ePOP3.Robin.String
Using APISelecting the API the server is using.Robin.String
SSLUse SSL protocolRobin.BooleantrueNo
TLSUse TLS protocolRobin.BooleantrueNo
PortConnection portRobin.Numeric
Server URLMail server URLRobin.String
ContextMail server connection contextRobin.EmailEmail context

Special conditions of use 


Connecting to mail servers - Gmail

Для работы с почтой понадобиться создать пароль. Для этого необходимо выполнить следующие действия:

Зайти в свой профиль Google аккаунта и перейти на вкладку "Safety":
Image Removed

Перейти на страницу "Two-step authentication":
Image Removed

Выбрать раздел "Application passwords":
Image Removed

Далее указать название приложения и нажать кнопку "Create":
Image Removed


To work with mail, you will need to create a password. To do this, perform the following actions:

Go to your Google account profile and click on the “Safety” tab:

Image Added

Go to the “Two-step authentication” page:
Image Added

Select the “Application passwords” section:
Image Added

Next, specify the name of the application and click the “Create” button:
Image Added

Next, a password will appear, which must be saved to your computer, as you will not be able to access it in the future. Use the received password in the “Password” field



Protocol SMTPProtocol POP3Protocol IMAP
User<user (full email address, with the domain)>


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions:

  2. Set the "Open email" action parameters. 

  3. Action customizationSetting action parameters:

    1. "Server type" parameter. From the dropdown list select "eSMTP" to send an email.

    2. "Using API" parameter. Set "No API". 

    3. "SSL" parameter. Check the checkbox.

    4. "Port" parameter. Set 465 according to settings requirement of the Mail.ru mailing server. 

    5. "Server URL" parameter. Set smtp.mail.ru according to settings requirement of the Mail.ru mailing server. 

    6. "User" parameter. Set test_robin_mail@mail.ru as the mail from which to send an email. 

    7. "Password" parameter. Set the mail password. 

    4. Place the “Get message” action in the studio workspace.

    Action customizationSetting action parameters:

    1. "Context" parameter. From a dropdown list select a context corresponding to mail from which the emails will be subtracted. 

    2. "From" parameter. Set sender's mail. 

    3. "Starting date" parameter. Set the starting date of the interval. 

    4. "Ending date" parameter. Set the ending date of the interval. 

    5. "Results" parameter. Set the "Table" variable to which the information from the emails will be saved. 

    6. "Number of messages" parameter. Set the "Counter" variable to which the information about the number of emails will be saved. 

    5. Click "Start" in the top panel. 
