Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


1.Select the "Do While" action from the "Basic ActionsBase actions" action group and transfer it to the script.


  1. Create a variable "Counter", variable type - number.
  2. Create a variable "Value", variable type - object.

  3. Move the "Folder list" (action group "File system"),"Do While" (action group "Base actions") actions to the workspace.

  4. Set the "Folder list" action parameters:
    1. In the "Folder" parameter specify the path to the folder with subfolders.
    2. In the "Objects type" field select "Only folders" value from the dropdown list.

  5. Set the "Do While" action parameters:
    1. Use the expression construction tool to write the condition "The length of the collection obtained as a result of the "Find file" action is 0" into the condition parameter. To do this, create one more variable "Additional variable", in which the number 0 will be written.


    2. Add actions "Get value by index" (action group "Collections"), "Convert data" (action group "Base actions"), "Search file" (action group "File system") and "Addition" (action group "Operators") to the loop body.

  6. Set the "Get value by index" action parameter:

    1. "Collection" parameter - "Folder list" action result.
    2. "Index" parameter - "Counter" variable.
    3. "Result" parameter - "Value" variable.
  7. Set the "Convert data" action parameter:
    1. "Source" parameter - "Get value by index" action result.
    2. "Data type" parameter - path to file.

  8. Set the "Find file" action parameters:
    1. "Folder path" parameter - "Convert data" action result.
    2. "File name" parameter - name of the needed file.

  9. Set the "Addition" action parameters:
    1. The first addendum - "Counter" variable.
    2. The second addendum - 1.
    3. Result - "Counter" variable.
  10. Click "Start" in the top panel to start the robot.
