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  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Specify the Word-document, bookmark name in relation to which the text will be formatted, and formatting parameters.

Action icon



Settings of parameters

ContextContext of an open Word-document. You can open a Word document using the "Open" action ("Word" action group).
Bookmark name

Name of the bookmark where the text will be changed from. All text from the bookmark to the end of the document or to the beginning of the next bookmark, if any, will be changed. If a bookmark specifies the exact piece of text to which it refers, only that text will be changed. You can specify several bookmarks at once, specifying each name with ";". If no bookmark is specified, the formatting will be applied to the entire document. 

Remove formattingParameter, which can be used to bring the text to the classic format: black text colour without italics, bold, underline and highlighting.
BoldBold text.
ItalicsItalicizing text. 
UnderlinedUnderlining text.
Text sizeSets the font size of the text. The range of possible sizes is from 1 to 1638. The size must be a multiple of 0.5.
Text colorSetting the font color of the text. There are 11 options available: Dark Red, Red, Orange, Yellow, Light Green, Green, Blue, Blue, Dark Blue, Lilac, Black.
Text selection colorText selection setting. There are 16 options available: No color, Yellow, Green, Turquoise, Pink, Blue, Red, Dark Blue, Blue-Green, Green, Purple, Bordeaux, Brown-Green, Gray, Light Gray, Black.

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextThe Word document instance to which the action will be applied.Robin.WordWord contextYes
Bookmark nameThe name of the bookmark that indicates the start of formatting. All text from the bookmark to the end of the document, or to the beginning of the next bookmark, if there is one, will be changed. If the bookmark contains the exact passage of text to which it refers, then only that text will be changed. You can specify several bookmarks at once, specifying each name through «;». If the bookmark is not specified, the formatting will be applied to the entire document.Robin.String
Remove formattingIf the value is «true», then formatting is removed from the specified text. The text color will turn black, and the selection, italics, boldness, and underlining will be removed.Robin.BooleantrueNo
BoldIf the value is «true», then formatting is removed from the specified text. The text color will turn black, and the selection, italics, boldness, and underlining will be removed.Robin.BooleantrueNo
ItalicsIf the value is «true», then the font of the text will become italic.Robin.BooleantrueNo
UnderlinedIf the value is «true», then the specified text is underlined.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Text sizeThe size to be set for the specified text. The size can be in the range from 1 to 1638 and is a multiple of 0.5. For example: «12.5».Robin.Numeric
Text colorThe color to be set for the specified text.Robin.String
Text selection colorThe color highlights that have been set in the specified text. If «No Color» is selected, the text selection will be deselected.Robin.String

Special conditions of use
