Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Specify the Word-document, the name of the new bookmark, the place of addition, the text relative to which the bookmark will be added, and the number of the match of this text in the document. It is also possible to specify the page number where the addition will be made.

Action icon

Image Modified

Settings of parameters

ContextThe context of an open Word-document. You can open a Word document using the "Open document" action (the "Word" action group).
Bookmark nameThe name of the new bookmark. Name restrictions: the document must not contain a bookmark with the same name; does not exceed 40 characters; begins with a letter; there are no spaces.
Page numberThe page number of the document where the new bookmark will be set. If the parameter is not filled in, the text will be searched throughout the entire document.
Place of additionThe location of the bookmark relative to the specified text. There are 3 options available: Before text, After text, Insert text into the bookmark. When you select "Insert text into a bookmark", the specified text will be the bookmark.
TextThe text in the document relative to which the new bookmark will be set.
Match number of the textThe number of the text match, relative to which the bookmark will be set. The numbering starts with 1. If you need to specify the last match in the document, but the sequence number of the match is unknown, then specify -1.
