Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Special conditions of use 

In order to successfully send an email, you can specify in the "From whom" parameter emails with delegated access, as well as emails whose accounts are logged in. 
If network problems occur while sending an email, the email will be sent after the network is restored.


In Outlook, when sending/replying to an email, you need to specify the mail from which the email will be sent. By default, the mail through which the user is authorized is specified. A user can also send an email on behalf of another mail. To do this, the user must be given delegated access to the other mail. Access to the other mail can only be granted to a user who has mail bound through the Exchange Server.

Follow the link to find more information about transferring of delegated access.

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To send formatted emails, html markup should be used.

To carriage jump, you should use the <br> tag, first enclosing the text in a <p> paragraph.


Text in the action settings

<p>Good afternoon!<br> ROBIN welcomes you.</p>

Sent text:

Good afternoon!


  1. Assemble a robot scheme consisting of actions:
    Image Modified

2. Set the parameters of the "Terminate" action (if Outlook is already running, the second instance will not be opened).

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3. Set the parameters for the "Run" action.

4. Set the parameters for the "Send" action. 

  • Sender - Email address of the sender
  • To - list of recipients' addresses. If there are several recipients, use";" as address separator.
  • Subject - Subject of the email
  • Body - Email body

5. Click on the "Start" button in the top panel. 


The robot completed successfully.
