Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


The action receives a message table as input, selects a message with the specified Message ID, generates response messages and sends them to recipients.

Action icon

Image Modified

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextEmail connection context identifierRobin.JavaMail
Messages TableThe table in which there is a letter to be answered.Robin.DataTable
Reply to allLogical variable. If the variable is True, the response will be sent to all recipients, including CC, of the message with the Message ID specified in the Message ID parameter. If the variable is False, the response will be sent only to the sender of the message.Robin.BooleantrueNo
CiteLogical variable. If the variable is True, the text of the message with the Message ID specified in the Message ID parameter will be included in the response body. If the variable is False, the text of the message with the Message ID specified in the Message ID parameter will not be included in the response body.Robin.BooleantrueNo
BodyThe text to be added to the body of the letter.Robin.String
AttachmentsRobin-collection (Robin.Collection) containing the paths to the files (Robin.File) to be attached.Robin.Collection

Special conditions of use


Example of use 


Unread emails with the subject line “Test” and docx attachment should be received and responded to. 
