The action returns collection of all JSON keys.
Action icon
Image Modified
Settings of parameters
СвойствоАнгл. наименованиеОписаниеТип | Пример заполнения | Обязательность заполнения поля | Параметры |
JSON | JSON | JSON для обработкиFilling example | Mandatory field |
Parameters |
JSON | JSON for processing. Note: The action does not work with JSON arrays (start with „[„). | Robin.JSON |
ДаРезультатыКоллекция ключей | Переменная, содержащая коллекцию всех ключей JSONA variable containing a collection of all JSON keys. | Robin.Collection |
Special conditions of use
Example of use
Get JSON file key collection test.json and read the first key of the collection at index 0.
Блок кода |
title | test.json |
linenumbers | true |
collapse | true |
"lastname": "Jackson",
"age": 28,
"address": {
"streetAddress": "101",
"city": "San Diego",
"state": "CA"
"phonenumber": [
{ "type": "home", "number": "9349282382"}
} |
The program robot completed successfully. The keys collection from JSON was obtained.
The key at index 0 is obtained.