The action removes the value from JSON by its key.
Action icon
Image Modified
Settings of parameters
СвойствоОписаниеТипПример заполнения | Обязательность заполнения поля | ПараметрыFilling example | Mandatory field |
Parameters |
для обработкиДаПуть до элемента JSONJSONPath describes the path to the JSON element. It always starts with a „/“ character. The corresponding keys are listed below. Indexes are used to access array elements (counting starts from 0). For example, the path „/key/1“ indicates that we are trying to access the second element of the array, which is accessible by the key „key“. | Robin.String |
ДаРезультатыОбработанный без указанного значенияwithout specified value. | Robin.JSON |
Special conditions of use