Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Иконка действия

Параметры и их настройки

СвойствоОписаниеТипПример заполненияОбязательность заполнения поля

The context for connecting to a server with a language model.

Context Robin AI Core




The query that the language model should execute.

If the number of tokens for making a request exceeds 8196, then the "Additional message" parameter must be used.


Извлеки только предложение, которое содержит фразу.\n\n ##Фраза\n Договор вступает в силу сYes
Additional message

An additional request to the language model. It works with the result obtained from executing the command from the "Message" field.


"Извлеки дату в формате:\n Дата окончания исполнения : день.месяц.год \n ##Пример\n Дата окончания исполнения : 05.12.2025",No
InstructionInstruction for the model that specifies the criteria for processing a message and the rules for responding to it (role, style, response form, etc.). StringОтвет должен быть сформулирован по пунктам.No
Data sourceInformation from which the model will generate responses. String
TemperatureRandomness of token selection to form the answer. The higher the value, the more random the answer will be. If the value is greater than 2, the answer may be characterized by excessive randomness. Valid values: from 0 and higher. The default value is 0.5.Number 0,5


Max tokensMaximum number of tokens to generate a response. If the parameter value is small, the model may return an incomplete response. Valid values: integers greater than 0. The default value is 500.Number 10No
Word repetitionLimit the repetition of words in the response. For values between 0 and 1, the model will repeat words that have already been used. If the value is greater than 1, the model will try not to repeat words. Valid values: more than 0. The default value is 0,9.Number 1Нет

The response to the request from the language model.


Особые условия использования 
