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The action starts macro in an Excel file that has its VBA-code in a separate text file. 

Action icon


Action parameters

Input parameters

  1. "Context" field - a type of a Word document where the external macro will run. 
  2. "File" field – path to the macro text file containing the VBA code
  3. "Procedure name" field - name of the called function or subroutine that is specified in the VBA code of the macro.
  4. "Parameters" field - Values of the input parameters of the called function or subroutine in the macro code. If it is necessary to specify several parameters, the user must specify in this field a collection containing these parameters. Parameter values must be specified in the same order in which these parameters are specified in the called function.

Output parameters

Result - the value returned by the macro run.


Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for working with an Excel document.Robin.ExcelExcel contextYes
PathToFilePath to the macro text file containing the VBA code.Robin.FilePath
Procedure nameName of the called function or subroutine that is specified in the VBA code of the macro.Robin.String
ParametersValues of the input parameters of the called function or subroutine in the macro code. If it is necessary to specify several parameters, the user must specify in this field a collection containing these parameters. Parameter values must be specified in the same order in which these parameters are specified in the called function.Robin.Object
ResultValue returned by the running macro. If the specified macro returns nothing, the result of the action will be empty.Robin.Object
