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Extract organizations Versions 1 (Net)

Группа Group "ROBIN AI", подгруппа subgroup "NER (PREFERENTUM)"



The action returns the names of organizations from the text


Action icon

Image Modified


Parameters and their settings




Filling example
Mandatory field

Text for analysis


When I joined Amazon in 2011, we had about 50,000 people in our operations around the world. Today, we have more than 1.1 million teammates across six continents, and I lead the central organization that focuses on keeping our teams safe every day. Our goal is to be the safest workplace within the industries in which we operate, and we’re continuing to make meaningful progress—thanks to the combined efforts of our more than 9,000 dedicated safety professionals and every one of our employees around the world.

Collection of extracted dataCollection


Special conditions of use

If the same entity appears several times in the text, it will be written once in the resulting array.

When extracting, the name of the organization is reduced to a short form: LLC NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION.

Пример использования


Example of use


There is a textИмеется текст:

"Robin LLC is a leader in the development of software robots in Russia."

Требуется извлечь из текста название компании и вывести его в диалоговое окноYou need to extract the company name from the text and display it in a dialog box



Use the actions "Extract organizationsВоспользоваться действиями "Извлечь организации", "Получить значение по индексу" и "СообщениеGet value by index" and "Message". 



  1. Create a variable "Collection" into which the result of the "Extract organizations" action will be writtenСоздать переменную "Коллекция" в которую будет записан результат действия "Извлечь организации"

    Перетащить на рабочую область действие "Извлечь организации"

  2. Drag the "Extract organizations" action to the workspace.
    Заполнить параметр "Текст" действия "Извлечь организации".
    В результат добавить переменную "Коллекция".
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    Перетащить на рабочую область действие "Получить значение по индексу".
    Image Removed
    Заполнить параметры действия "Получить значение по индексу".
    Image Removed
    Перетащить на рабочую область действие "Сообщение". 
    Image Removed
    Заполнить параметры действия "Сообщение".
    В поле "Текст сообщения" добавить результат действия "Получить значение по индексу".
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  3. Нажать на кнопку "Старт" в верхней панели.  


  1. Fill in the "Text" parameter of the "Extract organizations" action.
    Add the variable "Collection" to the result.
    Image Added

  2. Drag the "Get value by index" action to the workspace.Image Added

  3. Set the parameters of the "Get value by index" action.Image Added

  4. Drag and drop the "Message" action to the workspace. 
    Image Added

  5. Fill in the parameters of the "Message" action.
    In the "Message text" field add the result of the "Get value by index" action.
    Image Added

  6. Click on the "Start" button in the top panel.  


The program robot has completed successfully. The required value is displayed in the dialog box Программный робот отработал успешно. В диалоговое окно выведено требуемое значение.