The action highlights the specified element on screen.
Action icon
Image Modified
Settings of parameters
СвойствоОписаниеТипПример заполненияОбязательностьзаполнения поляПараметрыSAP-приложение | Экземпляр SAP-приложения, с которым работает действие.Context | Sap instance | Robin.Sap |
ДаЭлемент | Элемент, который должен быть выделен.Element | Element | Robin.WinElement |
ДаДлительность подсветки | Длительность работы подсветкиДа Special conditions of use
Example of use
Connect to an open SAP session and highlight an element on the screen.
Use the "Connect to session", "Highlight on screen" actions.
- Assemble a robot scheme with the actions:
- Set the "Connect to session" action parameters.
In the "Session" field set order number of the open session of a user (0 - first connected user, 1 - second, etc.) to connect to. The numbering starts at 0 and depends on the time of logging into the account.
- Set the "Select from dwop down listHighlight on screen" action parameters. The procedure for obtaining an element is specified in sectionThe procedure for obtaining an element with SapSpy
- Click "Start" in the top panel.