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The action inserts a header and a footer in a Word-document

Action icon

Image Modified



Settings of parameters

ContextThe context of an open Word-document. You can open a Word-document using the "Open document" action ("Word" action group).
Header TypeType of a header to be inserted. Two types are available: Upper, Footer. Upper header is placed in the top section of a page. Bottom header is placed in the bottom section of a page.
Header textText to be inserted in a header. If the text is not specified, the header will display a message: "[Insert text]".
Align text byThe type of text alignment in the footer. There are 4 options available: Left, Right, Center, Width.

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextThe Word document instance to which the action will be applied.Robin.WordWord contextYes
Header typeIf a header is selected, then the text will be placed in the top block of the page. If the footer is selected, then the text will be placed in the bottom block of the page.Robin.String
Header textThe text to be inserted into the header. If no text is entered in the header, it will default to «[Enter text]».Robin.String
Align text byThe alignment type of the text in the header. If the parameter is empty, the text will be left justified by default.Robin.String

Special conditions of use
