Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


  •  "Role" - is a link (button) that opens the card of the selected role. More details about the role card are described in the "Role card" subsection
  • "Description"

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The role card contains tabs: 

  • "Users"
  • "Parameters"

"Users" tab

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 The tab is intended for:

  • viewing Viewing the list of users who have been given the selected role
  • add Adding a role to other users
  • deleting Deleting the role from users

Description of the table of users with this role


Column name/button name


"Full name" column

ФИО пользователяUser full name

"Login" column

User login used for logging in. Является ссылкой (кнопкой), которая открывает карточку выбранного пользователя. Подробнее о карточке описано в подразделе "Карточка пользователя"It is a link (button) that opens the card of the selected user. More details about the card are described in the "User card" subsection.

"Email" column

Если почта еще не подтверждена, рядом с ней указана иконка Image Removed. Если вид пользователя - внешний, то почта у такого пользователя не проверяется и автоматически считается подтвержденнойIf the mail has not yet been confirmed, there is an icon next to it Image Added. If the user's view is external, the mail of such a user is not checked and is automatically considered confirmed.

"Remove a role from a user" button

The button for deleting a role from a selected user. If you press it, a window with confirmation of deleting the role appears:

  • If this is the only role the user has, when it is deleted, the user will also be removed from the current tenant:
  • If the user has at least one other role in this tenant in addition to this role, the user will simply have the current role deleted, but the user will remain in the tenant:


  1. Click on the "Add user" button in the card of the required role. The "Add role to user" window will open:
  2. In the dropdown drop-down list, select one or more users to whom you want to assign this role:
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  3. Click the "Add" button to confirm your choice. Or click the "Cancel" button if you decide not to add this role to the user(s).


"Parameters" tab



The tab is intended for viewing the parameters of the group - its name and description