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RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is a business process automation technology that uses customizable software robots. A software robot imitates the actions of a user on a computer, performing work for the user according to pre-defined scripts in information systems. A software robot does the same thing as a human operator, but does not get distracted from the process and does not make mistakes.


RPA - a key solution to problems with routine tasks in company processes

The main consumers: companies and organisations that need to solve problems with routine tasks.



Routine tasks are a set of interrelated processes that typically involve paperwork. These tasks are performed in a specific order and are repeated multiple times in a cycle. The key aspects of routine tasks are the accuracy and diligence required for their execution.

Prerequisites for RPA implementation: classical IT, by introducing automation tools, leaves business users with a lot of manual operations that are difficult to automate. A typical business process includes interactions with various types of software (text editors, spreadsheets, mail, retrieving information from the Internet, entering data into corporate systems, working with a scanner, etc.). Often the user has to manually perform repetitive, routine actions left between automated business process fragments.

When automated business processes have gaps, a person is forced to perform the necessary operations manually, resulting in reduced productivity and quality of work.

The aim of RPA is to bring various software into a single automation chain to replace humans in routine operations.

Advantages of ROBIN RPA:

  • High Speed of set-up of robotization scenarios, with average set-up time per robot of no longer than 2-4 weeks 
  • Ease of use allows even business users to set up scenarios by themselves
  • Software robots do not alter the existing IT infrastructure of the company
  • 100% work quality - correctly configured software robot runs non-stop 24 hours a day
  • Efficiency of the robot can be up to four or more staff units per month
  • The initial investment in purchasing and configuring the robot is expected to generate enough savings to cover its cost within the first year of use

Additional value: By introducing automation and robotics, organisations can standardize their processes through formalization and achieve further optimization of those processes.

Examples of operations that a robot can perform for a human:

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is an intelligentautomationplatform

The platformprovides a unifiedapproachto the creationandoperation of digitalassistantsbased on RPAtechnologyandautomation of end-to-endbusinessprocessesusingAI,ML,OCR, and IDPcomponents.

titleWhat is RPA?

ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION (RPA) - automation of businessprocessesbased on softwarerobotsthat:

  • Simulatetheuser's work ininformationsystemsandapplications 
  • Usegraphicalandcommandinterfaces
  • Do notrequirespecialknowledge
  • Providefastapplicationdevelopment
  • Are integratedwithAI,ML,VA,OCRsystems

Digitalassistants(softwarerobots)areapplicationsthatsimulate the work of usersin an IPusinggraphical(GUI)and/orcommand(CLI)computerinterfacesthat were originallydesignedforhumans.

They are simplyassembledandeasilyintegratedwithAI, ML, VA, and OCR systems,allowing you to quicklyautomatewhatcannot be doneusingclassicalautomation, many timesfaster than classicalautomationtools.

With the introduction of digitalassistants, all the automationtoolsavailablein the companywillcontinue to be used,butdigitalassistantapplicationswillusetheminroutine,repetitivetasks.

The digitalassistantremainscompletelyunderhumancontrol(thisapplication),doingthesamejobasthehumanoperator,without being distractedfrom the processandwithouterrors.

titleWhat is intelligent automation?

Intelligent automationis a complextermrepresentingintegratedsolutionsfor the digitaltransformation of operationalbusinessprocessesusingroboticsandartificialintelligence

ROBIN combines technology into a single process

In day-to-day operations, businesses use a large number of information systems and applications that automate their tasks and workflows.
If you consider automation at the business process level, you will likely find that an employee most often uses multiple systems and applications to perform the entire business process.
Through their efforts, the employee integrates the systems and applications with each other to execute the workflow.
For example, in the image below, a logistician receives a contract and a requisition for product delivery.
To accomplish the task of delivering the products to the counterparty, the employee must, at a minimum:

  • Enter the contract into the Electronic document flow system for approval by retyping the details of the counterparty's company
  • Check the details of the counterparty on third-party resources, clarify its status
  • Evaluate the balance of goods in stock, and if they are insufficient, order them
  • Schedule delivery of goods to the counterparty, if all conditions are met

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In fact, the employee performs these tasks manually, in different systems. As an aid, additional tools may be available within the company to facilitate workflows.

For example, it can be an OCR solution, for recognizing documents, not to reprint details, but to copy them into the company's information systems. It can be macros in applications, and even software robots that can further facilitate the work of an employee, for example, by checking a new counterparty. But in general, the possibilities of such disparate tools are limited in terms of integration between them.

NOTE. The use of various technologies simplifies the workflow, but does not automate the entire business process, there is no full integration of the components used between each other.

Another factor is the transition to domestic operating systems (OS), when an employee has to switch not only between applications, but also between OS to perform a task. This further complicates the execution of the business workflow. 

There is no opportunity to interact with the user within the tasks, to see the progress of their workflow, to control deadlines.

ROBIN platform allows to combine different technologies into one, end-to-end business workflow, with the help of digital assistants.

Currently, robotization is widely used in companies and organizations of various sizes..


ROBIN advantages:

  • high speed of setting up robotization scripts, the average time to set up one robot is no more than 2-4 weeks
  • ease of use allows even business users to customize scripts on their own
  • software robots do not change the existing IT infrastructure of the enterprise
  • 100% quality of work - a properly configured software robot works 24x7, without interruptions
  • robot efficiency can reach four or more PSUs (production staffing units) per month
  • the cost of purchasing and customizing the robot is recouped within the first year of its operation

What digital assistants can do

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A digital assistant performs predefined, typical, repetitive, routine tasks or workflows on a computer instead of a human. It performs actions in business applications and information systems installed on a computer instead of a human, using a graphical or command interface that a human uses. Thus releasing the human's time for creative and intellectual activities. The digital assistant is the foundation of intelligent automation.

The underlying RPA technology is omnichannel and works with any application on the market, including legacy systems and applications. With digital assistants, any functionality that a person performs at a computer can be realized.

From simple work in office applications, mail and websites, to complex analytics of unstructured text and preparation of sophisticated reports. Everything depends only on the tasks and ideas of the analyst who assembles the assistant.

Intelligent automation on the ROBIN Platform

Rapid automation of business workflows, distribution of intellectual and routine tasks between software robots and existing employees

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The ROBIN platform offers a holistic approach to intelligent automation

First, ROBIN offers advanced tools for creating digital assistants, which include:

  • Low-Code/No-Code tools for the development of digital assistants
  • A digital assistant builder with over 600 ready-to-use actions
  • Advanced workflow orchestration, with automatic task allocation and robots
  • Ability to execute digital assistants on the Linux family of operating systems

These tools are used to create digital assistants that automate individual tasks.

Second, to automate the entire business process, combine off-the-shelf assistants, AI communication interfaces, into a single workflow. Human activities can be added as part of the running end-to-end workflow, along with digital assistants. For this purpose, the following are used:

  • No-Code workflow builder, where the logic of the entire workflow is created by digital assistants and humans, taking into account the data and documents used in the workflow. The designer allows launching tasks sequentially, in parallel, depending on the requirements of the workflow and its execution conditions
  • Editor of customizable screen forms. Screen forms allow you to incorporate human activity into the entire workflow. They allow the human being to fully participate in the end-to-end workflow by doing their part and interacting with the digital assistant through the screen forms

The workflow management mechanism provides automatic launch and distribution of tasks within workflows.

Third, integrating AI into end-to-end workflows. It is provided by means of:

  • Customizable AI communication interfaces
  • Tools to recognize and digitize, classify and analyze text and spoken language
  • Ability to make decisions based on extracted meaning from messages

With the technologies used in ROBIN, additional intelligence can be added quickly and easily to end-to-end workflows.

ROBIN speeds up workflows and reduces routines

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