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ROBIN is an intelligentautomationplatform

The platformprovides a unifiedapproachto the creationandoperation of digitalassistantsbased on RPAtechnologyandautomation of end-to-endbusinessprocessesusingAI,ML,OCR, and IDPcomponents.

titleWhat is RPA?

ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION (RPA) - automation of businessprocessesbased on softwarerobotsthat:

  • Simulatetheuser's work ininformationsystemsandapplications 
  • Usegraphicalandcommandinterfaces
  • Do notrequirespecialknowledge
  • Providefastapplicationdevelopment
  • Are integratedwithAI,ML,VA,OCRsystems


What digital assistants can do

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A digital assistant performs predefined, typical, repetitive, routine tasks or workflows on a computer instead of a human. It performs actions in business applications and information systems installed on a computer instead of a human, using a graphical or command interface that a human uses. Thus releasing the human's time for creative and intellectual activities. The digital assistant is the foundation of intelligent automation.


Rapid automation of business workflows, distribution of intellectual and routine tasks between software robots and existing employees

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The ROBIN platform offers a holistic approach to intelligent automation
