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Available in the section are:

Выполняющиеся роботы
Выполняющиеся роботы
Running robots

Running robots table description

The table in the section contains a list of robots that are currently running.


  • is launched from Studio
  • is a local robot (not from the Orchestrator repository)
  • is a published robot, but the user has no rights to it in the current tenant

Описание столбцов и кнопок таблицы
Описание столбцов и кнопок таблицы
Table columns and buttons description

Column/button name


"Status" column

The current status of the robot launch is displayed.


One of the following values is possible:

  • Launch
  • Execution
  • Waiting for pause
  • Pause
  • Pause off
  • Termination
  • Server error
  • Agent unavailable

Read more in in the subsection "Launched robot statuses"

"Robot" column


  • Robot name
  • Robot version
  • An indicator that shows whether the host account needs a GUI for the robot to work. If  is displayed, the GUI is required, if  - the GUI is not required
"Start time" column

Date and time when the robot launch started

This is the time when the launch record was created in the database, not when the robot was actually launched (when we receive a response from the engine)

Displayed based on the time zone of the Orchestrator user

"Duration" column

The meter only starts to operate after the "Launch" status


Robot run time counter = date\time current - date\time of actual robot launch (as soon as the engine started the robot)

Robot run time counter:

  • If the robot is in the "Launch" status, the time counter has not yet been launched and the column is empty
    If the robot is in the status of "Running", "Server Error", "Paused", Ending" or ‘Agent unavailable’, the time counter is active and the column shows its current value.

The counter is turned off:

  • if the Agent informs that the robot has terminated (automatically or manually)
  • when after communication with the Agent is restored or the server error is resolved, the Agent sends a list of current launches that do not include this launch (the robot has already terminated).

The current status of a running robot can only be seen from the general table in the "Running robots" section

"Average time" column

If the robot version has been launched less than 2 times, the column indicates "No data".

If this robot version has been launched 2 or more times, the column shows the average run time of this robot version, which Orchestrator automatically calculated based on the run time of previous launches

"Launch condition" column

Robot launch option:

  • "Manual launch" - the robot is launched by the user. The column next to the phrase also displays the name of the application through which the robot was launched: "Robin Studio", "Robin Player" or "Orchestrator"
  • "Launch condition (Resource queue)" - the robot is started by a condition based on the resource queue
  • "Launch condition (Schedule)" - the robot is started by a condition based on the schedule (configured via Orchestrator, not via Player)
  • "Process" - the robot is launched as part of a digital employee workflow execution
  • "Robot" - the robot is started by another robot 
"Initiator" column

The version of the initiator record depends on how the robot is started:

  • Manual: The last name of the user who launched the robot is displayed
  • Launch condition (Resource queue): The name of this condition is displayed. The name of the condition is a link to its card, which is opened in "read-only" mode (it is possible to change it immediately. When you click on it, the card will not open if
    • Launch condition not found in the database, a warning message appears:

      Error while working with launch condition. No launch condition found

    • The launch condition is not found or is not available to the user in the current tenant, a warning message appears:

      Working with the launch condition is prohibited. Insufficient permissions to work with the launch condition "Condition name"

      If the card is opened and the "Return" button is clicked in the card, the "Running robots" section returns
  • Launch condition (Schedule): the requirements are similar to those for the "Launch condition (Resource queue)" initiator.
  • Process: the name of this workflow is displayed
  • Robot: displayed:
    • robot name
    • robot version. If the robot does not have a version, the table will show "0.0.0"
    • icon showing the necessity to have a GUI session for the robot to work: - necessary, - not necessary
"Host" columnThe name and IP address of the host on whose account the robot is running
"account" columnThe account of the host on which the robot is running

Button image-2024-5-29_12-44-37.png

The records in the table are updated as soon as you click on it

"Stop execution" button

When clicked, the selected robot will stop working

  • If this is the launch of the robot in debug mode (from Studio), a warning appears:

    Launch is not allowed to stop. You can only control the launches of robot projects via ROBIN Studio

  • If it is a launch:
    • of a published robot (from the repository) that is not available to the user in the current tenant;
    • of a local robot that does not have a parent robot (it is running on its own, not through another robot);
    • of a child robot that the user is not allowed to control in the current tenant, a warning message appears:

      Launch is not allowed to stop. Insufficient rights to control the robot "Robot name"

  • If it is a launch:
    • of the published robot (from the repository) that is available to the user in the current tenant
    • of a child robot that the user is allowed to control in the current tenant, a notification appears:

      The robot "Robot name" is terminated

"Pause" button

Clicking this button pauses the selected robot

  • If the robot is already paused, the "Launch" button is displayed instead of the "Pause" button
  • If it is a robot launch in debug mode (from Studio), a warning appears:

    Pausing is not allowed. You can only control the launches of robot projects via ROBIN Studio

  • If it is a launch:
    • of a published robot (from the repository) that is not available to the user
    • of a local robot that has no parent robot (it runs on its own, not through another robot)
    • of a child robot that the user is not allowed to control, a warning message appears:

      Pause setting is not allowed. Insufficient rights to control the robot "Robot name"

  • If it is a launch:
    • of a published robot (from the repository) that is available to the user
    • of a child robot that the user is allowed to control, a notification appears:

      The robot "Robot name" is paused

The "Pause" button is still displayed in this case

When the Agent reports that the robot is paused, the button is replaced by "Continue execution", which is clickable (this can only be seen after the list is refreshed)

"Continue execution" button

When you click on it, the selected robot is paused. If the robot is not yet paused, the "Pause" button is displayed instead of the "Launch" button

When clicked:

  • If it is a robot launch in debug mode (from Studio), a warning appears:

    Continued launches are not allowed. You can only manage the launches of robot projects via ROBIN Studio

  • If it is a launch:
    • of a published robot (from the repository) that is not available to the user;
    • of a local robot that does not have a parent robot (it is running on its own, not through another robot);
    • of a child robot that the user is not allowed to control, a warning message appears:

      The launch is not allowed to continue. Insufficient rights to control the robot "Robot name"

  • If it is a launch:
    • of a published robot (from the repository) that is available to the user
    • of a child robot that the user is allowed to control, a notification appears and a command is sent to continue the robot's operation. The notification appears:

      The robot "Robot name" is resumed

The "Continue execution" button is still displayed in this case

When the Agent reports that the robot has continued, the button is replaced by "Pause", which is clickable (this can only be seen after the list is refreshed)

"Launch" button 

The selected robot is paused by clicking on it. If the robot is not yet paused, the "Pause" button is displayed instead of the "Launch" button

"View log" button

When you click on it, the "Robot log" window opens

Use the Columns dropdown list to select which columns will be hidden or displayed, with the Robot column always displayed.

Статусы запущенных роботов
Статусы запущенных роботов
Running robot statuses

Status name



Indicates that the robot launch workflow has started, but the robot has not yet started executing its workflow. The status will be displayed until the Orchestrator is notified by the host account (from the ROBIN Agent) on which the robot is running that the robotic workflow has begun


Indicates that the robot has already started and is now in the workflow of executing its script

Pause waiting

The status indicates that the workflow for pausing the robot (pause activation) has begun

While this status is active, clicking the pause button again does not initiate a repeat of the pause command

The status is set as soon as the user clicks the robot pause button

The status stays on until the agent sends a message that the robot's workflow is paused


Status indicates that the robot launch is paused

While this status is active, clicking the pause button again will not initiate a repeat of the pause command

Pause disable

The status indicates that the workflow to unpause the robot has started

The status is set as soon as the user clicks the robot continue button

As long as this status is active, clicking the robot's continue button again does not initiate the pause command again.

The status stays on until the agent sends a message that the robot's workflow has continued


Indicates that the robot launch is being completed

Appears when you click the button to terminate the robot or when the robot terminates on its own (successfully or due to an error). The status remains until the agent sends a message that the robot has completed its work: after that the line with the launch disappears from the list of current launches altogether and is recorded in the list of robots' work history.


There may be 3 reasons for the occurrence of this status:

  • The robot has executed its entire script and now successfully automatically terminates its work
  • Some error occurred during the execution of the script and now the robot automatically terminates due to the error
  • The user manually interrupted the robot

The status will be displayed until the Orchestrator receives from the host account side (from the ROBIN Agent) on which the robot was launched that the launch is complete

Server error

Indicates that an unknown error has occurred on the server side of the platform. The status will be displayed until the problem is resolved automatically or manually by the administrator

Agent unavailable

Indicates that communication with the host account of the robot has been lost (ROBIN Agent is not responding). The status will be displayed until the ROBIN Agent starts sending messages to the server again

Просмотр лога робота
Просмотр лога робота
View robot log

If the robot has already started executing its workflow, the "View log" button can be used to open a window displaying the records of the robotic workflow actions that have already been performed or are currently in progress. 


The file contains all log entries (with input/output parameters) that have already been generated at the time of download. File example:

Robot log table description

Column/button name


"Time" column

Date and time when the action began or ended

"Action" column

Action name


Can be specified:

  • user-defined actions - those that the robot developer himself set on the diagram
  • system actions, such as switching or calling workflow sub-scenarios.

Typically, for each action, there are 2 entries in the log, reporting that:

  • the action started
    the action ended or crashed into an error

"Message" column

Text that communicates what is currently happening with the action

  • Example of an action start message:

Action has begun

  • Example of an action alert message:

Exact driver version not found. A driver for 'CHROME' / '100' is required. Specify it in the config file

"Copy entry" button

When clicked, the entire log record generated by the robot execution system will be written to the clipboard. The log table does not show the input or output parameters of the actions, but they will be indicated in the record copied by this button

Example of such an entry:

2023-06-27T21:38:33.400+05:00 RobotDeveloper DESKTOP-OLHVC8T Robin.Engine 14652 {"uniqueName":"Сообщение Message 1","actionNumber":null,"actionId":"c05e9a56-0396-4c4b-8dfb-350da76ad59d","message":"actionStartMessage","robotId":"93562099-89f2-4227-87da-74f4f5428000","ParametersMap":{"DIALOG_TITLE":"КОНЕЦEND","REF_MESSAGE_TEXT":"b86c04af-e971-49a6-9733-65747db8812c","MESSAGE_TEXT":"2"}}