A group of actions: Outlook

The action saves the email template in the selected format.


PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
SenderSender’s email address.Robin.String No
ToEmail address of the recipient of the letter. Use «;» as a separator to specify multiple recipient addresses.Robin.String Yes
CCEmail address of the recipient of the letters copy. Use «;» as a separator to specify multiple recipient addresses.Robin.String No
BCCEmail address of the recipient of the letters hidden copy. Use «;» as a separator to specify multiple recipient addresses.Robin.String No
SubjectEmail subject.Robin.String No
BodyText of the body of the letter.Robin.String No
AttachmentsThe path to the file to be attached to the email. To specify more than one item, use «;».Robin.FilePath No
Template FormatFormat in which the email template will be saved.Robin.String Yes
Path to folderThe path to the folder where the email template will be saved.Robin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgYes
Template nameName of the email template file to be created.Robin.String Yes
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