Remove row duplicates Version 1 (.Net)

Action group: Excel


The action removes row duplicates from the sheet in an Excel-document.

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for working with an Excel documentRobin.ExcelExcel contextYes
Start column nameThe name of the column from which to search for duplicates.Robin.String
Start column indexThe index of the column from which to search for duplicates.Robin.Numeric
Start lineLine number, starting from which the search for duplicates will be performed.Robin.Numeric
End column nameThe name of the column up to which duplicates will be searched.Robin.String
End column indexIndex of the column up to which to search for duplicates.Robin.Numeric
End rowLine number up to which duplicates will be searched.Robin.Numeric
Skip emptyIf the value is «true», then empty values ​​will not be duplicates.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Skip hidenIf the value is «true», then hidden cells will not be taken into account.Robin.BooleantrueNo
Consider merged cellsIf the value is «true», then if duplicates are found in the combined rows, columns, the action will return an error.Robin.BooleantrueNo

Special conditions of use

The robot will return an error if:

  • the row indexes are negative or 0. отрицательные индексы строк или 0.
  • the row name was input incorrectly.
  • "Consider merged cells" field is marked.

If the optional fields are not filled in, the search will be performed over the entire used area of the sheet.

If the search range will not be limited to columns, uniqueness is checked across all cells in the row.

Duplicates are searched for within the specified column range. If the value in the rows does not match outside the columns check range and matches inside the selected range, the row will be considered a duplicate and deleted by the robot.

Priority is given to the "Column name" field if both "Column name" and "Column index" fields are filled in.

If only the row/column start index is filled, the range will start with that index and end with the last row/column of the data area.

If only the row/column end index is filled, the range will start with the first row/column of the data area and end with that index.

The action does not delete merged rows. In the "Consider merged cells" checkbox the default value is "false", which means that if duplicates are found in merged rows, the action will skip them, not delete them. If "true" and duplicates are found, an error will be returned to let the user know that there are duplicates in them and we can't process them.  

Example. Row 8 and 9-10 are identical, but 9-10 are merged. These rows are considered identical, but will not be deleted if "false" in the "Consider merged cells" field.

Example of use


There is an Excel-document. Remove row duplicates.


Use the "Open", "Remove row duplicates", "Save" actions.


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions.
  2. Set the "Open" action parameters.
  3. Set the "Remove row duplicates" action parameters.
  4. Set the "Save" action parameters.

  5. Click "Start" in the top panel.


The program robot completed successfully.

The row duplicate is removed.

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