Wait for file to download Version 1 (Java)

Action group: Browsers


The action downloads the file from the browser page and waits for it to finish downloading completely.

Action icon

Settings and their parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
ContextAction context for working with the browser.Robin.SeleniumBrowser contextYes
ElementThe element on which the action works. On a page in a browser, this element should contain a URL where the file can be downloaded.Robin.WebElement
File nameThe name of the downloaded file. The specified name may not match the original file name on the site.Robin.String
ExtensionThe format in which the file will be downloaded. If the specified value does not match the original file format on the site, opening the file may be accompanied by an error.Robin.String
Folder pathThe path to the folder where the file will be saved.Robin.FolderPathC:\doc\imgYes
Timeout, msTime to wait for a response from the resource from which the file will be downloaded. If the response timeout exceeds the specified value, the action will return an error. Specified in milliseconds. Default value: 10000 ms.Robin.Numeric
ResultThe path to the downloaded file.Robin.FilePath

Special conditions of use


Example of use 


Open the page in the browser https://fastest.fish/test-files and wait for the file to download to the desktop, then close the browser page.


Use the actions "Open Browser", "Wait for file to download", "Close Browser". 


  1. Assemble a robot scheme consisting of actions:

2. Set the parameters for the "Open Browser" action.

3. Set the parameters for the "Wait for file to download" action.

4. Set the parameters for the "Close Browser" action. 

5. Click on the "Start" button in the top panel.


The program robot completed successfully. The required file has been downloaded to the desktop. 

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