Close SAP Version 1 (Net)

Action group: SAP


The action closes the SAP-application session window

Action icon

Settings of parameters

PropertyDescriptionTypeFilling exampleMandatory field
SAP applicationSAP application instance that the action works on.Robin.Sap
Close login windowClose the Sap Logon login window. If true, closes the login window. Default is falseRobin.BooleantrueNo

Special conditions of use


Example of use


Connect to the open SAP-session and get the table cell name, close the SAP application.


Use the "Connect to session", "Get table cell value", "Close SAP" actions.


  1. Assemble a robot scheme with the actions.

  2. Set the "Connect to session" action parameters.

    In the "Session" field specify the order number of the open session of one user (0 - first connected user, 1 - second, etc.) to connect to. The numbering starts with 0 and depends on the time of logging into the account.

  3. Set the "Get table cell value" action parameters. The procedure for getting an element is specified in this section.

  4. Set the "Close SAP" action parameters.

  5. Click "Start" in the top panel.


The program robot completed successfully. The data from the table cell was obtained. The SAP application was closed.


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