Example 1. Publishing a completed screen form.

In order to publish a finished screen form, the following sequence of operations is performed:

  1. The workflow designer selects "My screen forms" from the "Screen form constructor" side menu.
  2. A list of screen forms becomes available to the workflow designer on the "My screen forms" page.
  3. The workflow designer selects the screen form he wants to publish.
  4. The workflow designer clicks the "Publish" button.
  5. The modal window of the screen form editor is displayed with the already configured screen form.
  6. The workflow designer makes changes (to the title and description) in the screen form publishing window, if necessary.
  7.  The workflow designer clicks on the "Publish" button.
  8.   The workflow designer receives a notification at the bottom right of the "My screen forms" page with the text "Screen form [Screen form name] has been successfully published with version [Version number]".

Example 2. Editing a screen form.

When editing a finished screen form, the following sequence of operations is performed:

  1. The workflow designer selects "My screen forms" from the "Screen form constructor" side menu.
  2. The workflow designer is presented with a list of available screen forms.
  3. The workflow designer clicks on the "Edit" button.
  4. Displays the modal window of the screen form editor with the screen form already configured.
  5. The workflow designer makes changes to the screen form.
  6. The workflow designer clicks on the "Edit" button.
  7. The workflow designer receives a notification at the bottom right of the "My screen forms" page with the text "The screen form has been successfully updated".

Example 3. Deleting a screen form

It should note that you can delete a screen form only if it has not been previously published.
When deleting a completed screen form, the following sequence of operations is performed:

  1. The workflow designer selects "My screen forms" from the "Screen form constructor" side menu.
  2. The workflow designer is presented with a list of available screen forms.
  3. The workflow designer clicks on the "Delete" button.
  4. A modal window with the text "Are you sure you want to delete the [Form name] screen form?" is displayed.

  5. The workflow designer clicks on the "Delete" button.
  6. The workflow designer receives a notification at the bottom right of the "My screen forms" page with the text "The screen form is now in "Deleted screen forms"".
  7. The deleted screen form disappears from the "My screen forms" list and appears in the "Deleted screen forms" list.

Example 4. Create a screen form

When you create a screen form, you perform the following sequence of operations:

  1. The workflow designer selects "My screen forms" from the "Screen form constructor" side menu.
  2. The workflow designer clicks on the "Create screen form" button.
  3. The "Create screen form" modal window is displayed.
  4. The workflow designer makes sure to fill in the "Screen form name" field and, if necessary, the "Description" field.
  5. The workflow designer clicks on the "Create" button.
  6. The workflow designer clicks on the "Screen form editor" tab.
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